Social Impacts of Ecotourism Development in Kalibiru

Wiji Nurasih(1*), Bibi Suprianto(2)

(1) Universitas Gadjah Mada
(2) Universitas Gadjah Mada
(*) Corresponding Author


Kulon Progo possesses the potential of natural beauty in the form of forests and hills. With the emergence of awareness about ecotourism potential, significant social transformations have occurred, particularly for the community in Kalibiru over the past decade. The initiation of ecotourism in Kalibiru has led to a surge in socio-economic changes among the local population. This paper aims to present the social transformation that has taken place in Kalibiru in relation to changes in forest status and the operation of ecotourism. The research is qualitative and employs participatory observation, in-depth interviews, and documentary studies in data collection. The obtained data will be analyzed from the perspective of social change based on conflicts. From this research, it can be concluded that tourism grows due to conflicts arising from detrimental changes in forest status policies affecting the local community. The existence of Kalibiru ecotourism has transformed an agrarian-based community into tourism participants. When the ecotourism sector experiences a downturn, it creates socio-economic changes in the community, requiring them to return to agrarian activities or seek alternative livelihoods.


ecotourism; Kalibiru forest; social change

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