Poetika: Jurnal Ilmu Sastra is a biannual open access journal, foregrounding marginalized peoples or groups and under-represented literary works. The articles published provide a critical analysis and perspective on contemporary works through structural, post-structural, post-modern, and post-colonial approaches to voice the societal marginalization issues. The marginalization refers to disability, gender inequality, social class, power relations, and so on.
Poetika is published by the Postgraduate Program of Literature of the Faculty of Cultural Sciences, Universitas Gadjah Mada. The journal is indexed in DOAJ and is currently accredited by the National Research and Innovation Agency of Indonesia (Sinta 2). Poetika’s milestones are available on our Journal History page.

Vol 12, No 2 (2024): Issue 2
Table of Contents
Haikal Riza, Fitra Mutiara Setiani Arifin, Cheriel Louange Amelanda
Muhammad Ulul Uluwwi, Harjito Harjito, Ika Septiana
Vistaria Kusuma Wardani, Sulis Triyono
Betty Ayunda Wulandari, Misbahus Surur
Vini Hidayani, Alung Alung, Riandry Fadilah Nasution
Supian Supian, Ekaterina Prikhoda, Ruswan Dallyono, Ladinata Ladinata