Programmatic Goods, Populist Program Funding and Key Victory Incumbent In Pilkada Kulon Progo, DIY

Sri Lestari Harjanta(1*)

(1) Public Administration Department, Widya Mataram University of Yogyakarta
(*) Corresponding Author


This research examines how the Good Programmatic is made up to work to win the candidate in the 2017 election. In addition, this research tries to dissect the involvement of BUMDs and the private sector in financing the candidates' campaign by hijacking government programs. Accidentally or not, Programatic Good by incumbent candidates is wrapped up in a populist program. The home surgery program and other populist programs in Kulon Progo Regency indirectly became the 'engine' of the victory of the couple Hasto Wardoyo-Sutedjo in the 2017 Pilkada.

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