Dampak Perubahan Penggunaan Lahan terhadap Tingkat Kekritisan Air Sub-DAS Citarum Hulu


Tito Latif Indra(1*)

(1) Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam, Universitas Indonesia, Depok
(*) Corresponding Author


ABSTRAK Sehubungan dengan pertumbuhan penduduk yang membutuhkan ruang untuk hidup telah mengubah pola penggunaan tanah khususnya di DAS Citarum Hulu yang juga merupakan salah satu DAS kritis di Indonesia. Perubahan penggunaan tanah tersebut akan berakibat pada berkurangnya sumberdaya air sehingga menjadikan tingkat kekritisan air semakin tinggi. Data yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini meliputi peta jaringan sungai, peta penggunaan lahan yang diperoleh dari Badan Pertanahan Nasional (BPN), data curah hujandan suhu Tahun 1975-2005, peta tanah, peta kemiringan lereng, tutupan vegetasi dan data kebutuhan air primer. Melalui metode GIS yang dipadukan pendekatan hidrologis telah menghasilkan wilayah-wilayah sub DAS yang mengalami kekurangan air dalam hal ini kekritisan air.

ABSTRACT The population growth and the need for living space have changeq the patterns of land use especially in Upper Sub Citarum Watershed as one of the critical watersheds in Indonesia. The changes in land use will result in the reduction of water resources and make the higher level of water criticality. Data used in this research including river network map, landuse map obtained from Indonesian National Land Agency (BPN), precipitation and temperature data of 1975-2005, soil map, slope map, vegetation cover and primary water demand data. The critical level of watershed is deterimined based on the comparison of primary water demand and water availability in Upper Citarum Sub Watershed. Through GIS method combined with hydrological approach, the areas of sub watershed experiencing water shortage, in this case is water critical level can be determined. The combination of GIS method and a hydrological approach has resulted in sub-catchment areas experiencing water shortages in this case the critical water level.


DAS Citarum Hulu; hidrologis; kekritisan air; Upper Citarum Sub Watersheds; hydrology; critical water

DOI: https://doi.org/10.22146/mgi.13440

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Accredited Journal, Based on Decree of the Minister of Research, Technology and Higher Education, Republic of Indonesia Number 164/E/KPT/2021

Volume 35 No 2 the Year 2021 for Volume 39 No 1 the Year 2025

ISSN  0215-1790 (print) ISSN 2540-945X  (online)


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