Asing di Tanah Kelahiran: Pergulatan Identitas Pengungsi Bali - Timor Timur Pasca Orde Baru

I Putu Hendra Mas Martayana(1*)

(1) Universitas Pendidikan Ganesha
(*) Corresponding Author


The article discusses the ambiguity regarding the identity of ex-East Timorese transmigrant who have returned to Bali. These were people who had migrated to Bali since the 1980s and who have decided to return to their land of origin after the Act of Free Choice referendum had opted for East Timorese independence. During the return of the ex-East Timorese refugees, Bali was undergoing a process of cultural reification. The height of which was pushed by the first Bali bombing in 2002 which heralded the rise of the ‘ajeg Bali’ or Bali first movement. This was the result of the polemics that had arisen amongst organic intellectual thinkers.


Bali; East Timor; identity; post-New Order; identitas, pasca Orde Baru; Timor Timur

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