Arsip Universitas Gadjah Mada (Arsip UGM) as the first university archives in Indonesia has a vision of becoming a center for development and archival information services in supporting world-class research universities and good governance. One of the Arsip UGM missions is to implement and optimize records and archival information internal and external services. In order to provide optimal services in the field of records and archives to UGM's internal environment and the external community, Arsip UGM has developed records and archival publication program. The purpose of the records and archive publication program is to disseminate records and archives and conduct archival education to the public, both internal and external to UGM.
Khazanah: Jurnal Pengembangan Kearsipan is one of the records and archival publication media developed by Arsip UGM. This media publication is a development of the News Letter published by the Arsip UGM since April 2005 which is published every month in the form of only 1 sheet of 4-page paper. News Letters in this format were last published in December 2006. January 2007 News Letters changed their appearance to mini-books printed in color with a total of more than 4 pages. News Letters with this format were published until May 2008.
In 2007 Arsip UGM applied for permission to PDII LIPI to develop the News Letter into a Journal. PDII LIPI approved the application to develop the News Letter into a journal under the name "Khazanah: Jurnal Pengembangan Kearsipan" with ISSN number 1978-4880. PDII LIPI's permit was then followed up by issuing a publication media to replace the News Letter.
The first volume was published in September 2008. This media was not yet fully formatted as a journal, so the name used was Khazanah: Bulletin Kearsipan. Khazanah is published 3 times a year: March, July, and November. In 2013 there was a change in the publication of Khazanah.
Khazanah's format has led to a journal with increased layout and weight of article content. The name Khazanah in the issue of Volume 6 Number 1, March 2013 changed to Khazanah (not followed by the subtitle of the Bulletin Kearsipan).
Khazanah contains several articles in 3 sections. In the first edition of September 2008 it contained two sections: Opini and Resensi. Opini contain articles on the results of records and archival studies and research, while the Resensi contains reviews or reviews of records and archival books. Volume 4 Number 1, March 2011, Khazanah added 1 more section: Telisik, which contains research articles on a particular theme based on archive holded in the Arsip UGM. The number of articles Telisik in volume 4 number 3 November 2011 was increased to 2 articles. In 2014, since the publication of the first number, the number of articles in the Telisik was reduced to 1.
In 2017, Arsip UGM decided to publish Khazanah according to its first license as a journal. The name used for this publication is in accordance with the name proposed and approved for the first time by PDII LIPI, Khazanah: Jurnal Pengembangan Kearsipan. Khazanah: Jurnal Pengembangan Kearsipan is published in two versions, online and print. Since 2017 there have also been changes to the number of periodicals. Khazanah: Jurnal Pengembangan Kearsipan is published twice a year: May and November. Khazanah presents 5 articles in 3 sections, 3 articles in the Opini, 1 article in the Telisik, and 1 article in the Resensi.
In 2018, Khazanah made changes in the presentation of articles. Khazanah eliminates the Resensi, so it only contains 2 sections, Opini and Telisik with a total of 4 articles in the Opini section and 1 article in the Telisik section. In 2019, Khazanah tried to refresh the appearance of the presentation of articles by adding headers and footers on each page of the article.
So far, the journal have been distributed internally and externally to UGM. Internal UGM includes heads of work units, libraries and archivists within UGM. External UGM includes national archival institutions, provincial level archival institutions, regency/city level archival institutions, public and private universities, ministries, and other institutions, both state-owned and private, which are Arsip UGM relations. The distribution of printed journal uses the postal service for external UGM, while internal UGM is sent by expedition officers and Gama Logistics UGM delivery services. Even though the Khazanah has not been published online, the PDF format of the Khazanah has been uploaded on the Arsip UGM page since 2011 so that it can be accessed online by the wider community.
Khazanah: Jurnal Pengembangan Kearsipan is published to help develop and disseminate ideas and results of studies and research in the field of records and archives in order to develop archival study in Indonesia. It is hoped that the articles presented in Khazanah can become a means of learning and sharing information and experiences in the field of records and archives.
Based on the Decree of the Director General for Strengthening Research and Development of the Ministry of Research, Technology and Higher Education of the Republic of Indonesia Number: 36/E/KPT/2019 dated 13 December 2019, Khazanah: Jurnal Pengembangan Kearsipan is designated as a Rank 3 Accredited Journal which applies from Volume 12 Number 2, 2019 to Volume 17 Number 1 of 2024.
In 2020, the editors made changes in the form of: 1) the cover design, which was dominated by brown in previous editions, was replaced with a dominance of blue and white; 2) use of the logo on the cover and article content (logo philosophy); 3) refreshing the display of article content; and 4) eliminating section diversity by eliminating the Telisik.
In 2022, based on the Decree of the Director General for Strengthening Research and Development of the Ministry of Research, Technology and Higher Education of the Republic of Indonesia Number: 225/E/KPT/2023 dated December 7, 2022, Khazanah: Jurnal Pengembangan Kearsipan is designated as a Rank 3 Accredited Journal which applies from Volume 14 Number 2 of 2021 to Volume 19 Number 1 of 2026.
Start on Volume 17 (1) Khazanah: Jurnal Pengembangan Kearsipan uses new templates. Previously, The article consists of PENDAHULUAN (INTRODUCTION), PEMBAHASAN (DISCUSSION), and SIMPULAN (CONCLUSION) change to PENDAHULUAN (INTRODUCTION), METODE (METHOD), PEMBAHASAN (DISCUSSION), and SIMPULAN (CONCLUSION).
Starting in 2025, the focus and scope of the Journal will expand to include cultural heritage, encompassing preservation and conservation, management and policy, intangible heritage, digitalization, cultural tourism, museums and libraries, community identity, education, socio-economic-political aspects, and legal and intellectual property protection.