Pola tanam dan pendapatan petani hutan rakyat di region atas Kabupaten Ciamis


Budiman Achmad(1*), Ris Hadi Purwanto,(2), Sambas Sabarnurdin(3), Sumardi Sumardi(4)

(2) Fakultas Kehutanan Universitas Gadjah Mada
(3) Fakultas Kehutanan Universitas Gadjah Mada
(4) Fakultas Kehutanan Universitas Gadjah Mada
(*) Corresponding Author


This study aims to identify the forms of planting pattern developed by farmers in the upper region, business feasibility, the revenue contribution, and to provide some prospective choices of planting pattern that bring high revenue. The study was conducted in May until July 2010 in Ciomas Village, Panjalu District. Data was collected through interviews with using questionnaire, field observation and compilation of related documents. Respondents were selected purposively of twenty agroforestry farmers. The business feasibility was evaluated by using financial analysis, whereas to determine the revenue contribution from household was evaluated by calculating all of the income resources. The result is (1) the prospective planting pattern on land >1ha is planting pattern number 2 with IRR of 38.01 (wood + plantation + fruit + drugs + food), (2) on land between 0.5 to 1ha is planting pattern number 1 with IRR of 47.18 (wood + plantation + fruit + drugs), (3) on land <0.5 ha is planting pattern number 3 with IRR of 32.47 (wood + fruit + drug). The sequences of planting pattern which have the highest revenue to the smallest revenue contribution in a row are the planting pattern number 1 for 33.30%, number 3 for 28.09%, and number 2 for 25.22%. If all farmers in the upper region adopt planting patterns number 1, then the average revenue from private forest will increase to IDR 2,578,389 /ha to IDR 11,990,834 /ha.


Business feasibility; Planting pattern; Private forest; Revenue contribution; Upper region


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DOI: https://doi.org/10.22146/kawistara.23014

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