
Journal History

Since published Volume 12, Number 1, April 2022, Jurnal Kawistara of Graduate School of Universitas Gadjah Mada is organizing itself to get to international journals. This can be marked by changing the appearance of the format and results of the published article layout and the display of the cover is very interesting so that it has more characteristic. Purpose by changing the format and display of the cover to have more specific characteristics in the journal Kawistara can be show   every issue published.

Jurnal Kawistara and EBSCO Publishing have  a licensing agreement date June 27Th, 2022, to allow for the indexing and the dissemination of its content on EBSCOhost.

Publication Process

Jurnal Kawistara: The Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities, peer-reviewed, is first published in April 2011. We had been accredited by DIKTI in 2014 with No 040/P/2014 until 2018 (Download Certificate here).

We publishes three times a year (April, August, and December) in facilitating critical discussions among scholars and researchers of different disciplines on issues related to culture, religion, media, gender, public policy, development, environment, disaster, and tourism (see focus and scope). Each issue has eight articles and one book review, and we use a Doubel Blind peer-review system with two reviewers for each article. Jurnal Kawistara is published by the Graduate School of Universitas Gadjah Mada. Jurnal Kawistara has been indexed DOAJ since 2016.

Jurnal Kawistara started using web-based journal using Open Journal System (OJS) as our platform in the process of management and publication at the end of 2016 (December 2016). That is why, in that year we still learn to use this platform, receive articles online and upload all of our articles to our website from the fisrt issue (

Migration to OJS

In Volume 6 No 3, 2016, we used sentence case for displaying the title of articles to follow the format of UGM's journals, but we decided to change back to the old format for the next issue for maintaining the consistency and in accordance with the printed version.

Since 2017, in the first time, our journal gradually tried to migrate (full-online) for using Open Journal Systems. We tried to apply Call for Papers and decide a theme for Volume 7. But in 2018, after we had evaluated this volume, we decided not to apply Call for Papers again because some problems.

First, our editorial team from the beginning had accommodated the composition for the authors that there are 30% of the author are from Universitas Gadjah Mada, and 70% are from outside UGM and we are a multi-discipline journal, so we had to reject many articles, because some of them were coming from some disciplines that were not in accordance with our theme. Second, it gave impact to our publication process since we had to reject some articles that did not meet the theme. We thought that it obstructed the authors to submit their article and they forced to change or remake their article to fulfill this requirement. Third, our editorial team, including reviewers and authors, just learned full-online management in using OJS so it took a long time to handle each assignment, while they had to learn the OJS system. Then, we tried to make guideline, not only for author, but for reviewer as well.


Jurnal Kawistara had improved the information detail by putting information or article genesis and DOI (Digital Object Identifier) name in each headline of articles starting in Volume 7, Number 2, August 2017.

Plagiarism Checker

In Screening for Plagiarism, Jurnal Kawistara strongly against any case of plagiarism on its own merits. Jurnal Kawistara commits to deterring plagiarism, including self-plagiarism. We process all submitted articles using plagiarism checker software (we use Turnitin or Ithenticate) to find out the similarity of the article or its uniqueness with other articles and prevent any plagiarism: https: / / Furthermore, the author will receive the result of this process using turnitine checker. We tolerate an article with no more than 25%.


Jurnal Kawistara has been indexed by Google Scholar, DOAJ Green Tick, Microsoft Academics, Asean Citation Index, Demensions. It can be seen in this link:


Starting 2017 (Volume 7, No 2), our journal had applied full-online Open Journal Systems. In the future, Jurnal Kawistara are always maintaining the quality of the article and gradually oriented to be indexed by a reputable international indexation.

Author fees

There is a change in publishing fee to be 750.000 IDR in 2019 from 500.000 IDR in 2017.


Jurnal Kawistara has been  accredited  SINTA 2 by Directorate General of Higher Education, Indonesian Ministry of Education since 2022  204/E/KPT/2022 (valid until Volume 16, Nomor 2,2026), Please Download here.