
M. Abdul Karim(1*)

(1) Universitas Islam Negeri Sunan Kalijaga Yogyakarta
(*) Corresponding Author


It is very interesting to study and examine the history of Mongolian nation. First, they were nomadic
and uncivilized nation, but after Mongol had developed, they became an important general in the
world. One of the Golden Age of Mongolian Nation, after they had accepted Islam. Islamic spirit became
prominent characteristic during the period of the government of Golden Hordé Dynasty, which also
popular with Kipcak Dynasty. This dynasty developed and became a new political authority, which
was respected by the other dynasties. Based on the Islamic doctrine, they developed their government
policy. Although Golden Hordé kept on their tradition, Islam still became dominant. This study focus
on the process of regeneration and the change of political authority in the realm of Mongol. By using
comprehensive literature approach, this study takes an important theme, which is rarely expressed by
other studies. The contribution (originality) of this study is very important for Muslim community now
and in the future.


Golden Hordé Dynasty; Islamic doctrine; Mongolian Nation


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DOI: https://doi.org/10.22146/kawistara.15511

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