Julianto Ibrahim(1*)
(1) Jurusan Sejarah Fakultas Ilmu Budaya Universitas Gadjah Mada
(*) Corresponding Author
During revolution era, Indonesian government used and traded opium for struggle funds. This decision
was based on the fact that the social, economic and financial was shattered due to Japanese occupation.
Whereas the government should provide substantial funds to pay the war operations, employee
salaries and soldiers, buy weapons of war, and pay representatives abroad. This paper constitutes
as the result of historical studies, that is why it uses historical method and methodologies. Historical
method constitutes as a historian guidelines to find historical documents. Historian is like “handyman”
who collects historical sources such as archives and documents in “warehouses” archives and libraries.
When written sources are considered as not enough, then those will be held interviews with historical
actors involved directly or indirectly to the problem under study. Historical method constitutes a
works of historian from processing facts, explanations to the reconstruction of the results under study.
Methodology provides the framework of thinking as historian, that is why, it needs to pay attention
to the concepts and theories in preparing the events of the past. This study is based on the method
from Ernst Bernheim, that are heuristic, criticism, auffassung and darstellung. Indonesian government
fully managed and controlled the opium trade and circulation in Java. The management was led by
the Vice President Office assisted by two ministries, namely the Ministry of Finance and Ministry of
Defence Quartermaster Section. Under those two ministries, there was the Mayor Administrative Office
of Opium and Salt in Surakarta which coordinated major offices in several cities, especially in Kediri
and Yogyakarta. The Administrative Office of Opium and Salt in Kediri stored raw opium. Then, raw
opium was sent to processing factory in Wonosari and Beji Klaten. The cooked opium was sent to The
Administrative Office of Opium and Drug in Yogyakarta or The Mayor Administrative Office of Opium
and Salt in Surakarta. This office in Surakarta authorized to issue raw opium to the struggle agencies to
be sold to the territory of republic, occupied Netherlands area or smuggled abroad.
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Copyright (c) 2016 Julianto Ibrahim

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Jurnal Kawistara is published by the Graduate School, Universitas Gadjah Mada.