Antonius Dwi Yunianto, Santun R. P. Sitorus, dan Khursatul Munibah(1*)
(1) Program Studi Ilmu Perencanaan Wilayah Sekolah Pascasarjana Institut Pertanian Bogor
(*) Corresponding Author
The provision of Green Open Space (GOS) constitutes an important need for city and as a mandate of
the Law on Spatial Planning. Ungaran city currently has the width of public GOS under 20%. It makes
Ungaran city has not yet qualified to become a Green City. The objectives of this study are to identify and
analyze the width and distribution of GOS existing condition; to analyze the needs of Ungaran’s GOS
in order to meet the specified conditions of prevailing law; to arrange the plan of GOS based on Green
Planning concept; and to arrange the design of GOS based on Green Design concept. The analysis will
be conducted by using Patch Analysis method. The analysis of GOS is based on the inhabitant’s need
and the wide area, and the Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP). The GOS mapping result of Ungaran
city is 2.190,66 ha which consists of private GOS (2.112,74 ha) and public GOS (77,92 ha). Based on
the total projection of population in 2032, the public GOS need is 292,41 ha. Whereas the needs of
public GOS based on the 20% from wide area (612,17 ha). The direction of public GOS development
based on green planning is divided into three alternatives, first, based on the balance distribution of
GOS within the area, and land use priority; second, based on the balance distribution of GOS, land use
priority, distance to the residence, minimum width of 250m2, and the complexity of landform; third,
based on the consideration of the spatial patterns and regional asset authority. The direction of public
GOS development is based on green design approach to divide the design based on necessity activity
and function patterns of public GOS.
Full Text:
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Copyright (c) 2016 Antonius Dwi Yunianto, Santun R. P. Sitorus, dan Khursatul Munibah

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Jurnal Kawistara is published by the Graduate School, Universitas Gadjah Mada.