Molecular Identification and Phylogenetic Tree Reconstruction of Marine Fish Species from the Fishing Port of Kutaradja, Banda Aceh

Sapto Andriyono(1*), Adrian Damora(2), Hyun-Woo Kim(3)

(1) Depatment of Marine, Faculty of Fisheries and Marine, Universitas Airlangga
(2) Faculty of Marine and Fisheries, Universitas Syiah Kuala, Banda Aceh
(3) Departmen of Marine Biology, School of Fisheries Science, Pukyong National University, Busan, Korea
(*) Corresponding Author


The enormous potential of marine resources possessed by Banda Aceh Province is expected to be utilised optimally. Accuracy in marine fish resource identification is a critical requirement to support their utilisation and preservation in Banda Aceh Province. In this study, a molecular identification approach was carried out in addition to conducting a morphological identification, commonly used by several scientists. The results were 47 COI sequences generated representing 33 genera, 19 families, and five orders. From the resulting COI partial sequences, there is one potential haplotype from the Scombridae family (Auxis thazard), two potential haplotypes from the Carangidae family (Elagatis bipinnulata and Decapterus macarellus), and two potential haplotypes from the Serranidae family (Variola albimarginata and Cephalopholis sonnerati). This study is essential for fisheries biological studies and other fisheries studies to support the sustainable utilisation of marine fisheries potential in Banda Aceh.


Aceh; DNA barcoding; haplotype analysis; marine fish; molecular

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