Changes in Vegetation on Mount Agung Volcano Bali Indonesia

Sutomo Sutomo(1*), Luthfi Wahab(2)

(1) Bali Botanical Garden, Indonesian Institute of Sciences (LIPI)
(2) AF GIS and Remote Sensing Consultant and Training, Yogyakarta
(*) Corresponding Author


Volcanic activity is a major natural disturbance that can catastrophically change an ecosystem over a short time scale. The eruption of Mt. Agung strato-volcano in 1963-1964 was considered among the most important volcanic event of the 20th century due to its effect on global climate. Studies on vegetation and landscape of Mt. Agung post-1970-1980 has been scarce. The current eruption of Mount Agung in June-July 2018, brought awareness of the importance urge to document the past and current landscape along with vegetation on Mt. Agung. Our study aimed to utilize remote sensing technique to explore the pattern of current (2017) land cover and vegetation density on Mt. Agung and estimate of vegetated areas and whether it has changed from the past. LANDSAT 8 images ( were used in this study. Supervised classification in ENVI was employed to obtain land use or land cover of the Mt. Agung area. Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) was also calculated using the feature in the ARC GIS. Online web-based application, REMAP was used to obtain information on past and present condition of the crater of Mt. Agung to see whether there have been changes in vegetated areas around the crater using REMAP ( Results showed there are basically five main landcover that can be recognized namely forest (20758.23 ha), settlement (4058.37 ha), water area (41606.64 ha), open area (15335.64 ha) and farming (34554.78 ha). Our NDVI analysis also resulted in areas with have high density (78836.04 ha), medium density (15490.26 ha) and also no vegetation (31008.24 ha). Using web-based GIS application REMAP, we found that there has been an increase (approximately 1 km2) in vegetation cover from the 1980s to 2016.  The changes in vegetation near the crater of Mt. Agung is relatively slow when compared to another volcano such as Mt. Merapi. Remote sensing application has enabled us to obtain information on vegetation change relatively easily compared to conduct an extensive on-ground survey where more time and funding is needed.


Vegetation; Mt Agung; Bali; LANDSAT,; REMAP

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