
Issue Title
ONLINE FIRST ARTICLES The Effect of NaOH Concentration on Silica Leaching Process from Rice Husk Ash in South Sulawesi Province, Indonesia Abstract  PDF
Herlina Rahim, Gyan Prameswara, Muh. Irfan Wijaya Gusmadi, Jamaluddin Jamaluddin
Vol 12, No 2 (2018) Studi Kinetika Proses Atmospheric Pressure Acid Leaching Bijih Laterit Limonit Menggunakan Larutan Asam Nitrat Konsentrasi Rendah Abstract  PDF
Kevin Cleary Wanta, Felisha Hapsari Tanujaya, Ratna Frida Susanti, Himawan Tri Bayu Murti Petrus, Indra Perdana, Widi Astuti
Vol 15, No 1 (2021) Studi Pengaruh Variabel Proses dan Kinetika Ekstraksi Nikel dari Bijih Nikel Laterit Menggunakan Larutan Asam Sulfat pada Tekanan Atmosferik Abstract  PDF
Wahab Wahab, Erwin Anshari, Marwan Zam Mili, WD. Rizky Awaliah Nafiu, Muh. Nuzul Khaq, Daniyatno Daniyatno, Firdaus Firdaus, Yayat Iman Supriyatna
Vol 11, No 1 (2017) Uji Validitas Model Shrinking Core terhadap Pengaruh Konsentrasi Asam Sitrat dalam Proses Leaching Nikel Laterit Abstract  PDF (Bahasa Indonesia)
Kevin Cleary Wanta, Himawan TBM Petrus, Indra Perdana, Widi Astuti
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