Pengaruh Konsentrasi Subletal Deltametrin terhadap Nutrisi dan Pertumbuhan Tanaman Padi

Yuni Ratna(1*), Y. Andi Trisyono(2), Witjaksono Witjaksono(3), Didik Indradewa(4)

(1) Fakultas Pertanian Universitas Jambi
(2) Fakultas Pertanian Universitas Gadjah Mada
(3) Fakultas Pertanian Universitas Gadjah Mada
(4) Fakultas Pertanian Universitas Gadjah Mada
(*) Corresponding Author


Increasing the reproductive capacity through increasing plant growth and nutrition is one plausible mechanism of resurgence. This research was intended to determine the effect of deltamethrin on plant vigor and nutrition contents. The experiment was carried out outdoor. The treatments tested were deltamethrin (50 ppm), buprofezin (100 ppm), and control (water). Insecticide applications were applied one time (at age 26 d or 50 d) and two times (at age 26 and 50 d). Deltamethrin applications as many as two times did not increase the total chlorophyll and the photosynthesis rate, nutrients (total nitrogen, total protein, total sugar, total reducing sugar at aged 26 d, and sucrose), growth (plant height and number of tillers), and yield (number of panicles). However, application of deltamethrin at aged 26 d
increased the amount of asparagine. Asparagine is known to be associated with the feeding rate of Nilaparvata lugens stimulation. Therefore, increasing level of asparagine after application of deltamethrin at sublethal concentration was considered as one of the factors that might be involved in the mechanism of N. lugens resurgence.

Salah satu mekanisme resurjensi adalah peningkatan reproduksi hama melalui peningkatan nutrisi dan pertumbuhan tanaman. Penelitian ini dimaksudkan untuk melihat pengaruh deltametrin terhadap kandungan nutrisi dan vigor tanaman. Pengujian dilakukan di lapangan. Perlakuan yang diuji adalah deltametrin 50 ppm, buprofezin 100 ppm, dan kontrol (air). Aplikasi insektisida dilakukan satu kali masing-masing pada umur tanaman 26 dan 50 hst dan dua kali pada umur 26 dan 50 hst. Aplikasi deltametrin sebanyak dua kali tidak meningkatkan total klorofil dan laju fotosintesis, nutrisi (total nitrogen, total protein, total gula, total gula reduksi pada 26 hst, dan sukrosa) kecuali asparagin, pertumbuhan (tinggi tanaman dan jumlah anakan), dan hasil (jumlah malai) tanaman. Oleh karena asparagin berperan sebagai pemacu laju makan Nilaparvata lugens, maka peningkatan kadar asparagin tanaman setelah aplikasi konsentrasi subletal deltametrin diduga sebagai salah satu faktor yang terlibat dalam mekanisme resurjensi N. lugens


deltamethrin, plant growth, plant nutrition, sublethal concentration; konsentrasi subletal, nutrisi tanaman, pertumbuhan tanaman

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