Academic Readiness and Its Impact on Medical Students’ Performance: A Critical Analysis in The Context of Covid-19 Pandemic

Marindra Firmansyah(1*), Amanita Dias Ezha Putri(2), Rizki Anisa(3), Rio Risandiansyah(4)

(1) Faculty of Mediciine, Universitas Islam Malang, Malang
(2) Faculty of Mediciine, Universitas Islam Malang, Malang
(3) Faculty of Mediciine, Universitas Islam Malang, Malang
(4) Faculty of Mediciine, Universitas Islam Malang, Malang
(*) Corresponding Author


Background: Student academic achievement in the first semester tends to be low and will increase the following semester. Many factors, including academic readiness, can influence this. Students have a diverse academic readiness, whereas a higher level of academic readiness would result in higher academic achievement. Previous research stated several factors shaped academic achievement in offline learning; however, online learning needs further exploration.

Aims: Researchers aimed to discover the factors of academic readiness that affect students' academic achievement in online learning models during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Methods: This research is a descriptive-analytic observational study with a cross-sectional approach. All dimensions were measured using a validated Academic Readiness Questioner direct translation questionnaire and using secondary data. Partial Least Squares with Structural Equation Model techniques using the Smart-PLS version 3.0 application were employed for data analysis.

Result: This study produced an excellent, robust model with a GoF value > 0.36. Path analysis shows that all O-samples are positive with t statistics > 1.97, so these factors significantly positively affect academic readiness, except for the reading behavior dimension. Academic achievement is influenced by academic readiness, with R2=15.4%.

Conclusion: Students' academic readiness positively and significantly affects academic achievement. Student academic readiness during online learning is shaped by achievement motivation orientation, goal orientation, integrated support, learning efficacy, M-score, social and economic conditions, number of credits, and reading behavior.


Academic readiness, academic achievement, online learning, COVID-19 pandemic.

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