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Author Guidelines
Article themes
The Indonesian Journal of Medical Education publishes articles in medical and health professions education themes that are listed in the ‘Focus and Scope’ section. Nevertheless, themes other than those which are listed in the ‘Focus and Scope’ section would still be considered by the editorial board as long as they are still related to HPE. Please submit your article and the editorial board will provide you with feedback on the theme suitability.
Article categories/types
Original Research
Manuscript Template click here
Articles included into this category are research report or empirical research paper with the suggested word length of 3,500 – 5,000 excluding tables and figures. Original research articles should follow the systematics below:
- Title – The title should be ‘catchy’ but not diverting the main message of the article. We suggest authors to avoid titles which identify the institution where the research was undertaken.
- Abstract - The abstract should be in both Bahasa Indonesia and English with the maximum length of 250 words for each language. The abstract should incorporate Background/Latar belakang (the background and rationale of the study), Aims/Tujuan (study aims/objectives), Methods/Metode (a short explanation of the research methodology applied), Results/Hasil (the essence of the research results), Conclusion/Kesimpulan (a short conclusion and recommendation based on the research) and Keywords/Kata kunci (3-6 keywords).
- Practice Points – Authors are suggested to list 2-5 practice points to highlight the applicability, novelty and impact of the research.
- Introduction – The introduction should discuss the background of the research, the rationale and the research questions and/or aims. In this section, the current evidence on the topic should be discussed to subsequently be related to the research gap which would be addressed by the research.
- Methods - This section should include the research design applied, context, subject and sampling, data collection tools, data analysis and the steps of the research.
- Results and Discussion - JPKI recommends authors to combine the results and discussion altogether. In this section, authors also should discuss the strengths and limitations of the current study.
- Conclusion – Authors are expected to provide a brief conclusion to recap the information in the previous sections.
- Recommendation – Authors are suggested to provide recommendation for further practise and research based on the current research.
- List of abbreviations (if any)
- Competing interests - Authors should declare any competing or possible conflict of interest regarding to the article. Available funding donors should also be declared.
- Information of Authors’ Contribution - In this section, authors’ details and their contribution toward the manuscript and research should be described.
- Acknowledgements (if any)
- References – The amount of literature cited should not exceed 30 and it is expected that 70% of them are current literature of the last 10 years. Special consideration applies when the editorial board consider that it would be relevant to include more numbers of literatures.
- Tables and Figures/Illustrations - should be attached as an appendix and numbered accordingly. Please give marks in the article where the particular table or figure should be embedded. Authors are suggested to limit the number of tables and figures to maximum of 5.
Review Article
Manuscript Template click here
Articles included into this category are literature review, scoping review, systematic review and critical review of a policy based on scientific methods with the suggested word length of 4,000 – 6,000 excluding tables and figures. Review articles should follow the systematics below:
- Title – The title should be ‘catchy’ but not diverting the main message of the article.
- Abstract - The abstract should be in both Bahasa Indonesia and English with the maximum length of 250 words for each language. The abstract should incorporate Background/Latar belakang (the background and rationale of the review), Aims/Tujuan (review aims/objectives), Methods/Metode (a short explanation of the review methodology applied), Results/Hasil (the essence of the review findings), Conclusion/Kesimpulan (a short conclusion and recommendation based on the review) and Keywords/Kata kunci (3-6 keywords).
- Practice Points – Authors are suggested to list 2-5 practice points to highlight the applicability, novelty and impact of the review.
- Introduction – The introduction should discuss the background of the review, the rationale and the review questions and/or aims. In this section, the current evidence on the topic should be discussed to subsequently be related to the gap in the literature which would be addressed by the review.
- Methods - This section should include the review design applied, review protocol, inclusion and exclusion criteria, quality appraisal and data extraction tools, and the analysis approach.
- Results and Discussion - JPKI recommends authors to combine the results and discussion altogether. In this section, authors also should discuss the strengths and limitations of the current review.
- Conclusion – Authors are expected to provide a brief conclusion to recap the information in the previous sections.
- Recommendation – Authors are suggested to provide recommendation for further practise and research based on the current review.
- List of abbreviations (if any)
- Competing interests - Authors should declare any competing or possible conflict of interest regarding to the article. Available funding donors should also be declared.
- Information of Authors’ Contribution - In this section, authors’ details and their contribution toward the manuscript and research should be described.
- Acknowledgements (if any)
- References – The amount of literature cited should not exceed 50 and it is expected that 70% of them are current literature of the last 10 years. Special consideration applies when the editorial board consider that it would be relevant to include more numbers of literatures.
- Tables and Figures/Illustrations - should be attached as an appendix and numbered accordingly. Please give marks in the article where the particular table or figure should be embedded. Authors are suggested to limit the number of tables and figures to maximum of 5.
Case Study
Manuscript Template click here
Articles included into this category are critical cases, problems or incidents occurred in medical and health professions education context, such as managing educational institution, teaching-learning, student and faculty member issues and policy. Suggested word length is 1,500 – 3,000 excluding tables and figures. Case study articles should follow the systematics below:
- Title – The title should be ‘catchy’ but not diverting the main message of the article.
- Abstract - The abstract should be in both Bahasa Indonesia and English with the maximum length of 250 words for each language. The abstract should incorporate Background/Latar belakang (the background and rationale of the study), Aims/Tujuan (study aims/objectives), Case Discussion (some main points of the case and the discussion), Conclusion/Kesimpulan (a short conclusion and recommendation based on the case) and Keywords/Kata kunci (3-6 keywords).
- Practice Points – Authors are suggested to list 2-5 practice points to highlight the applicability, novelty and impact of the case study.
- Introduction – The introduction should discuss the background of the case related to the current literature, the rationale of conducting the study and study aims. In this section, the current evidence on the topic should be discussed to subsequently be related to the case.
- Case Description – The detailed description of the case or case series.
- Discussion - The discussion of the case above to be related and analysed using appropriate literature. Additionally, strengths and limitations of the study should also be elaborated.
- Conclusion – Authors are expected to provide a brief conclusion to recap the information in the previous sections.
- Recommendation – Authors are suggested to provide recommendation for further practise and research based on the current case study.
- List of abbreviations (if any)
- Competing interests - Authors should declare any competing or possible conflict of interest regarding to the article. Available funding donors should also be declared.
- Information of Authors’ Contribution - In this section, authors’ details and their contribution toward the manuscript and research should be described.
- Acknowledgements (if any)
- References – The amount of literature cited should not exceed 30 and it is expected that 70% of them are current literature of the last 10 years.
- Tables and Figures/Illustrations - should be attached as an appendix and numbered accordingly. Please give marks in the article where the particular table or figure should be embedded. Authors are suggested to limit the number of tables and figures to maximum of 3.
Learning-Media Review
Manuscript Template click here
Articles included into this category are short review (resensi) of learning media in medical and health professions education, for instance book/textbook, website, online learning media and CD/DVD that are relevant to the current best practice in medical and health professions education. Suggested word length is 400 – 1,000 excluding tables and figures. Learning-media review articles should follow the systematics below:
- Title – The title should be ‘catchy’ but not diverting the main message of the article.
- Abstract - The abstract should be in both Bahasa Indonesia and English with the maximum length of 250 words for each language. The abstract should incorporate Background/Latar belakang (the background and rationale of the review), Aims/Tujuan (review aims/objectives), Learning Media Review (some main points on the learning-media’s features and the discussion), Conclusion/Kesimpulan (a short conclusion and recommendation based on the review) and Keywords/Kata kunci (2-5 keywords).
- Practice Points – Authors are suggested to list 2-5 practice points to highlight the applicability, novelty and impact of the review.
- Introduction – The introduction should discuss the background of the learning-media review related to the current literature, the rationale of conducting the review and review aims. In this section, the current evidence on the topic should be discussed briefly to subsequently be related to the learning media.
- Learning Media Description – The detailed description of the learning media.
- Discussion - The discussion of the learning media above to be related and analysed using appropriate literature. Additionally, strengths and limitations of the learning media should also be elaborated.
- Conclusion – Authors are expected to provide a brief conclusion to recap the information in the previous sections.
- Recommendation – Authors are suggested to provide recommendation for further practise and research based on the current case study.
- List of abbreviations (if any)
- Competing interests - Authors should declare any competing or possible conflict of interest regarding to the article. Available funding donors should also be declared.
- Information of Authors’ Contribution - In this section, authors’ details and their contribution toward the manuscript and research should be described.
- Acknowledgements (if any)
- References – The amount of literature cited should not exceed 10 and it is expected that 70% of them are current literature of the last 10 years.
- Tables and Figures/Illustrations - should be attached as an appendix and numbered accordingly. Please give marks in the article where the particular table or figure should be embedded. Authors are suggested to limit the number of tables and figures to maximum of 2.
I AM HPE Recommendation
Manuscript Template clik here
I AM HPE Recommendation is a section dedicated to provide practical recommendations in health professions education for JPKI readers. The recommendations are based on current evidence and best practice reported in I AM HPExplore Webinar series. This section is a joint collaboration between JPKI and IAMHPE. I AM HPE Recommendation manuscript should be in 1,500-2,000 words (excluding Abstract) and adhere to JPKI’s writing guideline. The maximum number of authors is 5 (five). Please refer to the provided Manuscript Template when preparing your manuscript.
- Title – The title should be ‘catchy’ but not diverting the main message of the article.
- Abstract - The abstract should be in both Bahasa Indonesia and English with the maximum length of 250 words for each language. The abstract should incorporate Background/Latar belakang (the background of the recommendation, including aims and scope of the recommendation), Gaps (a brief summary of the gaps of the literature and practice), Recommendation (a brief description and a summary of the recommendations) and Keywords/Kata kunci (3-6 keywords).
- Practice Points – Authors are suggested to list 2-5 practice points to highlight the applicability, novelty and impact of the paper.
- Introduction – The introduction should discuss the background of the recommendation, the rationale and aims of the recommendation. In this section, the current evidence on the topic should be discussed to subsequently be related to the research/practice gap which would be addressed by the recommendation. This section should include at least 2 references, preferably international-reputable guidelines.
- Gaps Between Guides and Practices in Indonesian Context – This section should discuss available or possible gaps between international literature and reality of practice in Indonesia. Authors should provide practical/real examples or based on cited studies in Indonesian literature.
- I AM HPE Recommendation - This section should include a detailed description of the recommendation, to provide an adequate context to readers. The recommendation is bridging the gaps between the ideal international recommendations and conditions in Indonesia. recommendations might be presented in bullet points and cite relevant literature.
- Recommendation – Authors are suggested to provide recommendation for further practise and research based on the current case study.
- List of abbreviations (if any)
- Ethical declaration – Authors should declare that the study had obtained ethical clearance from ethical committee, and if not, the reason that the ethical clearance was not required/waived. Other potential ethical issues should also be described.
- Competing interests - Authors should declare any competing or possible conflict of interest regarding to the article. Available funding donors should also be declared.
- Information of Authors’ Contribution - In this section, authors’ details and their contribution toward the manuscript and research should be described.
- Acknowledgements (if any)
- References – The amount of literature cited should not exceed 20 and it is expected that 70% of them are current literature of the last 10 years.
- Tables and Figures/Illustrations - should be attached as an appendix and numbered accordingly. Please give marks in the article where the particular table or figure should be embedded. Authors are suggested to limit the number of tables and figures to maximum of 3.
Articles included into this category are responses (e.g., approval/emphasis or counter-arguments) towards other articles previously published in The Indonesian Journal of Medical Education. The suggested word length is 250 – 500, and the amount of literature cited should not exceed 5.
Letter to Editor
Original ideas and suggestions from readers are welcome to be published as a letter to the editor. The suggested word length is 250 – 500 to cite no more than 5 literature.
References Guideline
JPKI employs the Vancouver Reference style. Authors can see the example in the manuscript template. Editors strongly recommends using a reference management tools such as Mendeley, Zotero, EndNote, etc, to make sure the reference written adheres to the Vancouver reference style.
Submission Preparation Checklist
As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
- The format of the article should be:
- A formattable MsWord document
- Paper size: A4, Margin: 1” (2.54 cm) on each side, Potrait orientation (except for large tables or figures)
- Font: ARIAL. Size 16 pts (Title), 14 pts (Headings) and 12 pts (Article body)
- Spacing: 1.0 (single space) without before nor after spacing setting
- Single column
- To show line number and page number
- Submitting a letter of article submission including a declaration that the article was originally written by the author(s) and is approved to be published by all authors.
- Submitting a letter of declaration that the article has not been published, under review, under consideration or under process to be published in any journal or publication.
- Submitting a letter of declaration of NO PLAGIARISM and to be responsible of any plagiarism issues and disputes.
- Submitting a copy of the ethical clearance/approval whenever it is necessary or available.
- The Indonesian Journal of Medical Education applies the Vancouver citation style. Authors are suggested to refer to the journal abbreviation list in Index Medicus and Index of Indonesian Learned Periodicals (PDIN 1974).
Copyright Notice
All articles published in Jurnal Pendidikan Kedokteran Indonesia: The Indonesian Journal of Medical Education are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International license, which permits anyone to copy, transform, or redistribute articles for any lawful purpose in any medium, including commercially, as long as appropriate credit is given to the original author(s), Jurnal Pendidikan Kedokteran Indonesia: The Indonesian Journal of Medical Education is recognized as its original publisher, and a link to the license is provided. Changes should also be indicated.
Both copyright and publishing rights on articles are retained by the respective author(s), without restrictions. However, a non-exclusive license is granted to Jurnal Pendidikan Kedokteran Indonesia: The Indonesian Journal of Medical Education to publish the article and identify itself as its original publisher.
By submitting to Jurnal Pendidikan Kedokteran Indonesia: The Indonesian Journal of Medical Education authors acknowledge that any third party may use their article to the extent allowed by the CC BY -SA 4.0 license, should their article be published.

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.
Privacy Statement
The names and email addresses entered in this journal site will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of this journal and will not be made available for any other purpose or to any other party.
Author Fees
This journal charges the following author fees.
Article Submission and Processing Fee: 0.00 (IDR)
The Indonesian Journal of Medical Education does not charge any article submission and processing fee.
Article Publication Fee: 1000000.00 (IDR)
This article publication fee will be charged only if an article is accepted for publication. For international authors, the article publication fee would be USD 100.
Authors who find any difficulties for paying such fees may request for article publication fee waiver to the editorial board. The editorial board will make considerations on such requests on a case-by-case basis.