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Author Guidelines
JURNAL MANAJEMEN DAN PELAYANAN FARMASI (Journal of Management and Pharmacy Practice) is an official journal by the Faculty of Pharmacy, Universitas Gadjah Mada, publishing original research/review article that covers a wide range of topics related to pharmaceutical management and pharmacy practice, such as:
- Pharmacoeconomics
- Pharmacoepidemiology
- Clinical pharmacy
- Community pharmacy
- Social pharmacy
- Pharmaceutical marketing
- Goverment policies related to pharmacy
- Pharmaceutical care
We welcome submissions from all the above-mentioned fields, provided that they are novel and able to make a great impact.
By submitting to JURNAL MANAJEMEN DAN PELAYANAN FARMASI (Journal of Management and Pharmacy Practice), authors attest that:
- The submission is an original work, free from any form of plagiarism (text, data, and figures).
- The submission has not been published previously in English or any other language, nor is it under consideration by another journal.
- The submission has been approved by all co-authors and relevant authorities (e.g. an institution or sponsor).
- The manuscript has been (to the best of the authors’ abilities) written in good English (Either British or American English spelling, not a mixture of both) and is free of grammatical errors. It has been checked with a proofreading tool (e.g. Grammarly) and, if possible, proofed by a language editor.
These submission guidelines will help you prepare your submission so as to greatly reduce its processing time. As per initial submission, we do require the manuscript conforms to the document structure laid out below, so reviewers are able to assess the paper based on its scientific merits.
Submission Process
1. Prior to the submission - be familiar with these following things- Focus and scope. Ensure that your submission’s topic is within our scope
- Article type specifications. Understand the type of articles you want to submit Editorial policies make sure that you read and agree to our editorial policies
- Language editing service. Ascertain that your submission is readable and error-free
- Publication ethics and malpractice Statement. Learn about our ethics agreement
2. Ready to submit - understand the policies and formatting guidelines- Author(s) information and required documents
- General formatting guidelines
3. Manuscript selection - be informed with the review process
Article Type Specifications
- Original research article: Research articles should report on original primary research and are expected to present a major advance (total words up to ~3500 words, excluding references).
- Review article: Reviews should describe and provide substantial coverage of mature subjects, evaluations and/or critical assessments of progress in specified areas, and highlight future directions (total words 5,000-10,000; excluding abstract references).
Language Editing Service
Authors whose first language is not English (and many times even those for whom it is) will greatly increase the chance of their article being published if it is checked by a language editor or native speaker prior to its submission. A well-written manuscript enables editors and reviewers to accurately assess the content of the manuscript, thus accelerating the reviewing process. It also ensures that the scientific merit of the research can be fully conveyed to readers. If you need help with writing in English you should consider:
- Asking a fellow worker who is a native English speaker to check your manuscript for clarity
- Using a proofreading tool (e.g. Grammarly)
- Using a professional language editing service
Please be informed that the use of a language editing service is only a suggestion and does not imply or guarantee that the article will be selected for peer review or acceptance.
Submitting Manuscript
When submitting the manuscript, the manuscript must meet the following requirements:
- The manuscript is written in 1 column. Font type and size: Calibri 10 regular points, paragraphs are aligned right and left (justified), single line spacing on an A4 sized page with normal borders.
- Tables and figures contained in the text must be accompanied by titles in size 10 Calibri font with single spacing. Table numbering uses Roman numerals and is written above the table, while figure numbering uses Arabic numerals and is written below the image.
- Table must be intact on one page and be an open table on the left and right sides (without column lines). Tables displayed in the manuscript must be in table format (not image), also make sure the image displayed has a high resolution.
- Writing formulas in articles is written using equations such as Microsoft Equation or MathType Equation, information about the formula can be written at the bottom of the formula.
- The manuscript is written in English, arranged in the following order:
- Manuscript title. Written with ‘Title Case’ (Capital letter must be used in every initial word except conjunctions), bold, and maximum of 15 words.
- Author’s names. Written without title, indicate the corresponding author with *symbol.
- Abstract. written with a length of 200-250 words. Provide the background, objectives, methods and research results briefly. Refer to our Article Template for guidelines.
- Keywords. 3-5 keywords or phrases listed in alphabetical order, separated using semicolons.
- Introductions. Explain the background of the study, current conditions referring to latest research, the gap that this research wants to fill based on the state of the art, and ends with research objectives that support the latest research.
- Methods. The research method for original article should be divided into several sub-sections contains the study design, population and samples, study instruments, data collection, and data analysis. Meanwhile review article consists of study design, search strategy, eligibility criteria, and data extraction
- Results and discussion. Containing the explanation of the results of all the stages described in the method section
- Conclusion. Containing a summary of what is obtained from the results of research and what needs to be further studied.
- Acknowledgement. Containing several sentences to appreciate those who help conducting the research.
- Statement of ethics. Mention the ethical approval number, including the issuing institution and publication date
- References. Should follow the American Medical Association (AMA) Style and be managed using a reference manager (preferably Mendeley). At least 80% of the references should be primary sources, and the sources should be no older than 10 years.
Instructions for submitting manuscripts are as follows
1. Manuscripts that will be processed are only those sent online via
2. For authors who do not yet have a username are required to register first. For authors who have registered, please log in using your existing username and password. Click "New Submissions" to send a new manuscript. There are five stages in submitting a new manuscript:
- Start: Put a mark on all existing checklists related to manuscript submission readiness. Make sure the manuscript sent is in .doc or .docx format (not .pdf)
- Upload Submission: Select the manuscript file to be sent, then press the upload button.
- Enter Metadata: Fill in the metadata related to the submitted manuscript, starting from the author's identity, title and abstract, language code, contributors, and bibliography.
- Upload Supplementary Files: Upload the Statement of Originality according to the format specified in this section by selecting the file to be sent, then pressing the upload button. Statement of Originality sent in pdf format. Submission cannot be processed into peer review without the Statement of Originality.
- Confirmation: This step contains a summary of the submission of the new manuscript, press the finish submission button to end the submission process.
3. The editorial board takes 8 to 12 weeks to select and review incoming manuscripts until it is decided that a manuscript can be accepted (issue a letter of acceptance). Authors can see the status of the manuscript on the website
4. For convenience and uniformity of format, manuscript templates and Statement of Originality templates have been provided which can be downloaded at
Manuscript Processing Time
Processing time varies from one manuscript to another, depending on how long it takes to receive all of the reviewers' reports and how quickly the author(s) revise the manuscript. On average, JURNAL MANAJEMEN DAN PELAYANAN FARMASI (Journal of Management and Pharmacy Practice) manuscript processing time ranges from 3 to 6 months. JURNAL MANAJEMEN DAN PELAYANAN FARMASI (Journal of Management and Pharmacy Practice) cannot guarantee a specific publishing time for a manuscript, nor can it under any circumstances promise a sped-up publication process.
Submission Preparation Checklist
As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
- Article is in English.
- A Statement of Originality signed by all contributing Authors has been provided and to be uploaded in the Supplementary step to verify that the submission has not been previously published, nor is it under consideration for publication in other journals. A submission cannot be processed into peer review without Statement of Originality.
- In case of research involving human or animal subjects, evidence of appropriate approval, informed consent, and/or Ethical Clearance has been provided.
- Mendeley Reference Manager has been utilized to manage the Reference section. Where available, URLs for the references has been provided.
- The submission file is in OpenOffice, Microsoft Word, RTF, or WordPerfect document file format. The text adheres to the stylistic and requirements outlined in the Author Guidelines.
Copyright Notice

Jurnal Manajemen dan Pelayanan Farmasi (Journal of Management and Pharmacy Practice) operates under the principles of open access and is published under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.
This licensing framework reflects our commitment to fostering a free and open scholarly exchange within the academic and research community. Under this license, our readers and users are granted several important permissions:
1. Attribution: Users are encouraged to share, adapt, and distribute the content from Jurnal Manajemen dan Pelayanan Farmasi, provided they give proper credit to the original authors and source. This attribution allows for recognition of the intellectual contributions and originality of the work.
2. Non-Commercial Use: The license restricts the use of content from our journal for commercial purposes. Users are not permitted to exploit the material for profit or monetary gain. This ensures that the scholarly and educational nature of the journal remains intact.
3. No Derivative Works: The license prohibits the creation of derivative works based on the content from our journal. This means that users cannot alter, transform, or build upon the original material, ensuring that the integrity and accuracy of the research and content are preserved.
This licensing model underscores our commitment to advancing knowledge, research dissemination, and education while protecting the rights and contributions of our authors. It allows for the free and responsible sharing of academic content while maintaining the originality and accuracy of the work. Researchers, scholars, and educators are encouraged to make use of this valuable resource within the defined parameters of the license.
Privacy Statement
The names and email addresses entered in this journal site will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of this journal and will not be made available for any other purpose or to any other party.
Author Fees
This journal charges the following author fees.
Article Submission: 0.00 (IDR)
Authors are required to pay an Article Submission Fee as part of the submission process to contribute to review costs.
Fast-Track Review: 0.00 (IDR)
With the payment of this fee, the review, editorial decision, and author notification on this manuscript is guaranteed to take place within 4 weeks.
Article Publication: 0.00 (IDR)
If this paper is accepted for publication, you will be asked to pay an Article Publication Fee to cover publications costs.
If you do not have funds to pay such fees, you will have an opportunity to waive each fee. We do not want fees to prevent the publication of worthy work.