Status Ergonomi Pekerja Sektor Kehutanan di Indonesia: Kelelahan Fisik-Mental-Sosial, Kepuasan Kerja, Konsep Sumber Bahaya, dan Konsep Biaya Kecelakaan

Efi Yuliati Yovi(1*)
(1) Departemen Manajemen Hutan, Fakultas Kehutanan, Institut Pertanian Bogor
(*) Corresponding Author
Pengelolaan hutan lestari menuntut perhatian terhadap perlindungan keselamatan dan kesehatan kerja (K3), selain perhatian terhadap aspek produktivitas kerja, dan kesejahteraan pengelola/pekerjanya. Di Indonesia, ke-empat aspek tersebut, yang merupakan tujuan utama kajian ergonomi, belum banyak mendapat perhatian, walau kegiatan pengelolaan hutan merupakan kegiatan dengan risiko gangguan K3 yang tinggi. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menyajikan gambaran kondisi kelelahan fisikmental-sosial, gangguan otot, kepuasan kerja, persepsi terhadap sumber bahaya, dan persepsi terhadap biaya kecelakaan kerja dalam kegiatan pengelolaan hutan di Indonesia. Status kelelahan diukur menggunakan instrumen Cumulative Fatigue Symptom Index (CFSI) dan gangguan otot diinvestigasi menggunakan instrumen Standardized Nordic Questionnaire (SNQ). Kepuasan kerja dan persepsi terhadap sumber bahaya dan biaya kecelakaan ditelusuri menggunakan kuisioner dan wawancara (tatap muka, pertanyaan terbuka dan semi terstruktur). Data diambil dari 98 responden yang terdiri atas polisi hutan, tenaga inventarisasi hutan, pengawas/mandor penebangan, dan staf administrasi selama Februari 2016–Oktober 2017. Analisis CFSI menunjukkan bahwa kegiatan penjagaan hutan dan inventarisasi hutan telah menyebabkan gangguan kelelahan fisik dan mental yang intens (dalam bentuk gangguan kecemasan). Analisis SNQ mengonfirmasi keluhan gangguan otot pada pinggang, punggung, leher, bahu, serta lengan (bawah-atas). Secara umum responden memiliki (1) keterbatasan secara finansial, (2) tingkat pengetahuan yang belum memadai untuk mengenali berbagai sumber bahaya potensial di tempat kerja, dan (3) pemahaman yang kurang tepat terhadap konsep biaya kecelakaan. Keterbatasan aspek kognitif responden menyebabkan penggunaan mekanisme K3 partisipasif semata (untuk meningkatkan perlindungan K3) bukanlah keputusan yang tepat. Upaya peningkatan perlindungan K3 perlu dilakukan dalam bentuk (1) peningkatan fasilitas kerja (fasilitas kesehatan, saranasarana sosial dan komunikasi, aksesibilitas), (2) peningkatan pendapatan, dan (3) peningkatan pemahaman terhadap konsep sumber bahaya dan konsep biaya kecelakaan kerja.
Ergonomics Status of Indonesian Forestry Workers: Physical-Mental-Social Fatigue, Job Satisfaction, Concept of Hazards, and Concept of Accident Cost
Sustainable forest management requires attention to the protection of occupational safety and health (OSH), in addition to attention to aspects of work productivity, and the welfare of managers/workers. In Indonesia, these four aspects, which are the main objectives of ergonomics studies, have not received much attention, although forest management activities are activities with a high risk of OSH disorders. This study aims to present an overview of the conditions of physical-mental-social fatigue, musculoskeletal disorders (MSDs), job satisfaction, perception of hazards sources, and perception toward work accident costs from workers involved in forest management activities in Indonesia. Fatigue status was measured using the Cumulative Fatigue Symptom Index (CFSI) and MSDs were investigated using Standardized Nordic Questionnaire (SNQ). Job satisfaction, perception of the source of danger, and the cost of accidents were traced using questionnaires and interviews (face to face, open and semi-structured questions). Data were taken from 98 respondents consisting of forest rangers, forest inventory workers, logging supervisors, and administrative staff during February 2016–October 2017. The CFSI analysis shows that forest guarding and forest inventory have caused intense physical and mental fatigue (in the form of excessive anxiety). The SNQ analysis confirms intense MSDs complaints at the waist, back, neck, shoulders, and arm. The general characteristics of the respondents were having: (1) limited financial capacity, (2) inadequate knowledge to recognize various potential hazards sources at work, and (3) inappropriate understanding of the concept of accident costs. The limitations on the respondents’ cognitive, has made participatory OSH mechanisms alone (to improve OSH protection) is not an appropriate option. Efforts to improve OHS protection should be carried out in the form of (1) improving workplace facilities (health facilities, social and communication facilities, accessibility), (2) improving remuneration, and (3) improving knowledge on the concepts of the source of hazards and accident cost.
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