Derajat keparahan infeksi Soil Transmitted Helminths terhadap status gizi dan anemia pada anak sekolah dasar

Farissa Fatimah(1*), Sri Sumarni(2), Muhammad Juffrie(3)
(1) Progam Studi Ilmu Gizi, Fakultas Ilmu Kesehatan Universitas Respati Yogyakarta
(2) Bagian Parasitologi, Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Gadjah Mada
(3) Bagian Ilmu Kesehatan Anak, RSUP Dr. Sardjito/Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Gadjah Mada
(*) Corresponding Author
Backgound: Indonesia as a tropical country with high humidity, has good environment for worm breeding particularly Soil Transmitted Helminths (STH). The prevalence of worm infestation in Indonesia is still relatively high, about 60% of 220 million Indonesian population, 21% of them are elementary school-age children. STH intensity greatly affects the nutritional status of patients, in wich more severe infection leads to poorer nutrition condition.
Objective: To identify severity of STH infection in elementary school student at the working area of Kokap I Health Center of Kulonprogo and its correlation with nutritional status and anemia.
Method: The study was undertaken in 25 elementary schools at the working area of Kokap I Health Center of Kulonprogo. Samples were all students of grade I as many as 241 students. Worm examination was done by using Kato-Katz method, assessment of nutrition status was based on body weight according to height (weight/height), anemia status was assessed from Hb level using Cyanmethaemoglobin method.
Results: The results of the study showed that most of students (83,6%) were well nourished and were non anemic (84,9%). No student belonged to severe anemic category, 3 students (1,3%) had anemia at medium category and 31 students (13,8%) were slightly anemic. Out of 51 students that positively got STH infection, 16 students (31.4%) had light infection of A. lumbricoides, 36 students (70,6%) had T. trichiura and 4 students (5,9%) had hookworm. A. lumbricoides infected 7 student (13,7%) and T. trichiura infected 8 student (15,7%) both at medium criteria. There was no infection at severe criteria. The result of Somers’ D analysis showed that there was no significant correlation between the two variables (p>0,05).
Conclusion: There was no correlation between severity of STH infections with nutrition status and anemia in elementary school student.
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