Suharyanto Suharyanto(1*), Denny I Yudhistira(2)
(1) Universitas Gadjah Mada
(2) Universitas Jenderal Soedirman Purwokerto
(*) Corresponding Author
The aims of this experiment was to obtain data and information on the percentage of decrease in the levels of cannibalism, growth and survival rate of mud crab crablet (Scyla serrata) by feeding trash mixed with tryptophan and glycine. This research was conducted in the wet lab experimental pond installation at Center of Research and Development of Brackish Water Aquaculture Maranak, Maros for 28 days using 12 aquariums each measuring 80x40x60 m3. Crablets (C-20) from the hatchery were used for this study, measuring 5.3+0.2 mm in width and 0.15+0.02 g in weight. Ten crablets were stocked in each aquarium. The treatments applied were (A): trash fi sh tilapia (Tilapia mosambica), (B): trash fi sh + tryptophan and (C): trash fi sh + glycine, with three replicates per treatment. Feeding dose was 25% of the total biomass crablet while the dose of tryptophan and glycine were 1.0% of the amount of feed given per aquarium. Feeding was done twice a day in the morning and evening. Variables observed were the growth in carapace width, weight, level of cannibalism, survival rate and water quality parameters. The results showed that adding the amino acids tryptophan and glycine in trash fi sh feed at 1.0% of total biomass could signifi cantly (P<0.05) suppress the level of cannibalism krablet without affecting the growth rate (weight and width of carapace) and increase the survival rate of the mud crab krablet.
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