Mapping of Changes in the Utilization of Marine Resources in the Small-Scale Fisheries Subsector in Indonesia (2008-2017)

Fuat Edi Kurniawan(1), Yulinda Nurul Aini(2*)

(1) Research Center for Population, National Research and Innovation Agency (BRIN), Jakarta, Indonesia
(2) Research Center for Population, National Research and Innovation Agency (BRIN), Jakarta, Indonesia
(*) Corresponding Author


More than 80% of national fishery production is produced by small-scale fishers, who generally have low levels of education and live in small communities, making them vulnerable to global changes. Fishers in small-scale fisheries use simple technology to limit the search for target commodities and new land. Fishing technology and variability of fish commodities are spatial components that reflect the productivity of fish commodities. In this study, cluster analysis was used to identify shifts in the distribution of marine resource use in 2008-2017 in 34 provinces of Indonesia. By understanding the spatial distribution of small-scale fisheries, changes in coastal marine ecosystems can be identified to avoid overexploitation of marine products. The study results show that motorized and outboard motorboats have increased while non-motorized boats have decreased. Skipjack tuna, snapper fish, and crab commodities are a significant production volume. Clustering analysis resulted in three groups with different characteristics. Cluster 3, which consists of Banten, West Java, and North Sumatra, experienced significantly increased fisheries productivity. Therefore, a priority scale program is needed by growing small-scale fisheries' role, such as budget allocations, to improve the economic scale of business actors in these areas.


Clustering; utilization; marine resources; small scale fishery

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