Nur Bambang Priyo Utomo(1*), Ing Mokoginta(2), Lia Nurmalia(3)

(1) Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Science, Bogor Agricultural University
(2) Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Science, Bogor Agricultural University
(3) Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Science, Bogor Agricultural University
(*) Corresponding Author


This experiment was conducted to determine the dietary n-3 fatty acid requirement for reproduction of broodstock zebrafish, Brachydanio rerio. Three isonitrogenous (39% crude protein) and isocaloric (3,260 kcal digestible energy/kg diet) practical diets, namely diets A, B, and C, with different levels of fatty acids were fed to zebrafish broodstock. The broodstock were cultivated in aquaria. Diet A contained low dosage of n-3 fatty acids (0.4%) and 2% n-6 fatty acids, while diets B and C contained 2% n-6 fatty acids, combined respectively with 1% and 1.5% n-3 fatty acids. Fish were fed ad satiation for 60 days using these diets. During feeding periode, gonade maturation stages were examined. The n-3 and n-6 fatty acids affected fecundity, fertilization rate, and hatching rate. On the other hand, fish fed on diets A, B, or C did not show any significance differences in the gonade somatic index and total Survival Rate (SR) of larvae produced. Fish fed on diet B produced the highest fecundity (616 eggs/g of fish), fertilization rate (94.6%), and hatching rate (93.8%). The total lipid content of eggs were significant, ranging from B (29.7%), C (23.7%), and A (16.1%). At a dosage of 2% n-6 fatty acids, zebrafish require 1% of dietary n-3 fatty acids in the diet for reproduction. Excess dosage of n-3 fatty acid in the diet adversely affected fecundity, fertilization rate, and hatching rate.


Brachydanio rerio, fatty acid, reproductive performance

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