Promoting noise awareness among parents of students at Aisyiyah Bustanul Athfal (ABA) Kentungan Kindergarten in Yogyakarta

Rizka Fakhriani(1*), Ana Medawati(2)
(1) Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta
(2) Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta
(*) Corresponding Author
Introduction: Noise exposure is a problem in children due to the vulnerability of the growing auditory system and its impact on hearing and quality of life during early developmental phases, which might influence a child's future path. Children have different external ear anatomy than adults, with narrower ear canals that absorb higher-frequency sounds. Hearing loss can be minimized by implementing educational programs, regulations, and laws to increase awareness and proactively limit damage from noise. This article will describe the noise awareness empowerment programs for parents of Aisyiyah Bustanul Athfal (ABA) Kentungan Kindergarten in Yogyakarta.
Methods: The community empowerment program collaborator is Pimpinan Ranting Aisyiyah (PRA) Condongcatur Barat, and it includes approximately 24 parents of ABA Kentungan Kindergarten students.
Results: The program's results indicated that the average score of participants' knowledge before the program started was 51.6 out of 100. The average score increased to 82.9 after the program.
Conclusion: The community empowerment team recommends that all parents understand the importance of protecting children's environment from excessive noise exposure. Furthermore, teachers can help by providing a suitable environment and encouraging safer listening habits with Personal Listening Devices (PLDs). The government should initiate campaigns to increase public awareness of excessive noise exposure and regulate the standard volume of toys and sleep machines for newborns and children.
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