The Elderly Knowledge Improvement of Balanced Nutrition in Patangpuluhan, Yogyakarta

Rachmawati Widyaningrum(1*)
(1) Department of Nutrition, Universitas Ahmad Dahlan, Yogyakarta, DIY, Indonesia
(*) Corresponding Author
Introduction: Elderly is a vulnerable group to body function impairment and diseases. Although these conditions are considered normal aging results, the elderly’s health level should be maintained. The application of balanced diet principles is one of the ways to reduce the risk and improves the health quality of the elderly. In this regard, the education program about balanced diet principles to enhance the group’s knowledge is essential to support a healthier lifestyle for the elderly. Methods: We conducted an experimental quantitative study in an elderly group in Patangpuluhan, Yogyakarta. The inclusion criteria were: Elderly aged >50 years old and live in Patangpuluhan. The data was analyzed using the Wilcoxon test for paired groups. This education program aimed to improve the elderly group’s knowledge of balanced nutrition to maintain the elderly health state. There were 30 participants, most of whom were women (90%). Results:The pre and post-test analysis results showed a 17 points significant increment (p=0,001) in participants’ knowledge (21%) compared to the pre-test score. Question topics that got the two highest score improvements were the duration of psychical activity and the purine-contains food groups (21,7 points). Conclusion: This education program could raise elderly knowledge of balanced nutrition. This program should be applied regularly based on the elderly need for health and nutrition-related information. The male elderly also has to be encouraged to actively participate in community-based education to improve their knowledge of elderly health.
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