Evaluation of community empowerment program for elderly care: Lessons learned from PUSAKA Wahyu Teratai


Syamsumin Kurnia Dewi(1*)

(1) Akademi Fisioterapi "YAB" Yogyakarta
(*) Corresponding Author


The current paradigm and health development policy in Indonesia have changed from development to empowerment. The community empowerment program for elderly care "PUSAKA Wahyu Teratai" is a leading community empowerment program in the subdistrict of Bambanglipuro, Bantul Regency. This study was conducted to evaluate The PUSAKA Wahyu Teratai program based on input, process, output, and outcome. This cross-sectional study was conducted in December 2019. Data on the input, process, and output were collected by interviewing three caretakers with a questionnaire and tracking organizational documents and activity reports, and observing activities implementation. The outcome in the form of 63 participants’ quality of life was measured by the Short Form-36 Questionnaire. Data were analyzed descriptively. Evaluation of the input showed: most of the caretakers were male (77.33%), entrepreneurs, with senior high school education level (26.67%). Most of the facilities and infrastructure belong to the organization, the principal source of funds from Yayasan Kesejahteraan Sosial Teratai Jakarta, which were sufficient. Evaluation of the process showed: all main activities were well-scheduled and conducted routinely and documented. Evaluation of the output showed: the level of participation in each activity was between 67.61% - 100.00%. The outcome evaluation showed that the mean score of quality of life domains was: Physical Functioning (88.17 ± 20.29), Role-Physical (71.03 ± 27.75), Bodily Pain (66.98 ± 17.47), General Health (54.76 ± 12.65), Vitality (64.29 ± 15.99), Social Functioning (71.14 ±16.08), Role-Emotional (68.05 ± 34.71), and Mental Health (72.44 ± 14.57). The PUSAKA Wahyu Teratai has sufficient capital input, a fair implementation process of activities, and produced exceptional outputs and outcomes.


Community empowerment; elderly care; program evaluation

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.22146/jcoemph.62541

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