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Fajar Fathur Rahman, Isfan, Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Diponegoro, Semarang (Indonesia)
Fajrin, Febrie Maulana, Balai Besar Pelaksanaan Jalan Nasional Sumatera Selatan, Ditjen Bina Marga, Kementerian PUPR (Indonesia)
Faris, Fikri, Center for Disaster Mitigation and Technological Innovation (GAMA-InaTek), Universitas Gadjah Mada (Indonesia)
Faruqi, M.Dzulfikar, PT. Generasi Muda Bersatu, Jakarta (Indonesia)
Fathani, Teuku Faisal, Civil and Environmental Engineering Department, Faculty of Engineering, GadjahMada University (Indonesia)
Fathani, Teuku Faisal, Center for Disaster Mitigation and Technological Innovation (GAMA-InaTek) Universitas Gadjah Mada (Indonesia)
Fathani, Teuku Faisal, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Universitas Gadjah Mada (Indonesia)
Fathani, Teuku Faisal, Master Program in Natural Disaster Management, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Universitas Gadjah Mada (Indonesia)
Fathani, Teuku Faisal, Civil and Environment Engineering Department, Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Gadjah Mada (Indonesia)
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