
Issue Title
Vol 54, No 1 (2022): Indonesian Journal of Geography Impacts of Climatic Variation on Water Balance and Yield of Watershed (Insights from The Kaduna Watershed, North Central Nigeria) Abstract  PDF
Japheth Daramola, Toriman Mohd Ekhwan, lam Kuok Choy, Jaafar Mokhtar, Adeyemi Jibrin Alakeji
Vol 52, No 2 (2020): Indonesian Journal of Geography Identification of the Main Water Quality Parameters for Monitoring and Evaluating Watershed Health Abstract  PDF
Pranatasari Dyah Susanti, Nining Wahyuningrum
Vol 55, No 2 (2023): Indonesian Journal of Geography Assessing the Reliability of Satellite-Derived Evapotranspiration Data Using Numerical Modified Penman Method at Citarum Watershed Abstract  PDF
Evi Anggraheni, Faris Zulkarnain, Pranita Giardini, Kintan Maulidina, Babag Purbantoro, Raisya Afifah, Anang Muchlis, Siswanto Siswanto, Andry Rustanto, Muhammad Dimyati, Ahmad Zubair, Triarko Nurlambang, Ratih Dewanti, Iqbal Putut Ash-Shidiq, Irma Susanti
Vol 53, No 3 (2021): Indonesian Journal of Geography River Flow Modelling for Sustainable Operation Of Hydroelectric Power Plant in the Taludaa-Gorontalo Watershed Abstract  PDF
Sardi Salim, Muchlis Polin
Vol 51, No 3 (2019): Indonesian Journal of Geography Conservation Design and Scenario for Flood Mitigation on Arui Watershed, Indonesia Abstract  PDF
Mahmud Mahmud, Ambar Kusumandari, Sudarmadji Sudarmadji, Nunuk Supriyatno
Vol 56, No 2 (2024): Indonesian Journal of Geography Runoff Coefficient in the Air Bengkulu Watershed and the Evaluation of the Existing Spatial Planning Abstract  PDF
Bambang Sulistyo, Teguh Adiprasetyo, Bambang Gonggo Murcitro, Agus Joko Purwadi, Noviyanti Listyaningrum
Vol 54, No 3 (2022): Indonesian Journal of Geography Flood Risk Mapping Using GIS and Multi-Criteria Analysis at Nanga Pinoh West Kalimantan Area Abstract  PDF
Ajun Purwanto, Rustam Rustam, Dony Andrasmoro, Eviliyanto Eviliyanto
Vol 56, No 2 (2024): Indonesian Journal of Geography Comparing Master Recession Curves using Seven Baseflow Recession Models Abstract  PDF
Bokiraiya Latuamury
Vol 56, No 1 (2024): Indonesian Journal of Geography A Preliminary Study of Paleoflood Deposits of the Lukulo, Kebumen Regency, Central Java, based on River Geomorphology Abstract  PDF
Nandian Mareta, Rachmat F Lubis, Chusni Ansori, M Sapari Dwi Hadian, Sugeng P Saputro, Ardhan Farisan
Vol 56, No 3 (2024): Indonesian Journal of Geography The Development of Disaster Risk Map for Semeru Volcano Eruption 2021-2022, East Java, Indonesia Abstract  PDF
Syamsul Bachri, Eli Hendrik Sanjaya, Siti Sendari, Rajendra Prasad Shrestha, Listyo Yudha Irawan, Egi Nursari Billah, Nanda Regita Putri, Mellinia Regina Prastiwi, A.Riyan Rahman Hakiki, Tabita May Hidiyah
Vol 53, No 3 (2021): Indonesian Journal of Geography Geospatial Analysis of Hydrometeorological Dynamics for Managing Socio-economic and COVID-19 Threats in the Ossiomo Watershed, Nigeria Abstract  PDF
Innocent Ehiaguina Bello, Halilu A. Shaba
Vol 53, No 1 (2021): Indonesian Journal of Geography Lineament Extraction using Gravity Data in the Citarum Watershed Abstract  PDF
Gumilar Utamas Nugraha, Karit Lumban Goal, Lina Handayani, Rachmat Fajar Lubis
Vol 50, No 2 (2018): Indonesian Journal of Geography Implementing Landslide Susceptibility Map at Watershed Scale of Lompobattang Mountain South Sulawesi, Indonesia Abstract  PDF
Abdul Rachman Rasyid, Netra Prakash Bhandary, Ryuichi Yatabe
Vol 56, No 3 (2024): Indonesian Journal of Geography Use of HAND Model for Estimating Flood-Prone in Serawai Basins Base on Remote Sensing and Sistem Information Geography Abstract  PDF
Ajun Purwanto, Dony Andrasmoro, Eviliyanto Eviliyanto
Vol 48, No 2 (2016): Indonesian Journal of Geography USLE Estimation for Potential Erosion at Wae Heru Watershed and Wae Tonahitu Watershed, Ambon Island, Indonesia Abstract  PDF
Halvina Grasela Saiya, Suprapto Dibyosaputro, Sigit Herumurti Budi Santosa
Vol 38, No 1 (2006): Indonesian Journal of Geography Hydrological Implication of Bamboo And Mixed Garden In The upper Citarum Watershed Abstract  PDF
Chay Asdak
Vol 37, No 1 (2005): Indonesian Journal of Geography a deterministic model for predicting water yield from two different watersheds Abstract  PDF
Putu Sudira
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