A Mamdani FIS to Monitor Programmer Performance on GitHub

Susi Eva Maria Purba(1), Retantyo Wardoyo(2*)
(1) Department of Computer Science and Electronics, Universitas Gadjah Mada
(2) Department of Computer Science and Electronics, Universitas Gadjah Mada
(*) Corresponding Author
A collaborative activity used to accomplish shared objectives is teamwork. It is essential to know how unequal contributions can inhibit team members' chances to give their all in achieving these objectives. It will be necessary to manage resources in this joint approach. Monitoring each team member’s performance in one technique to do this. In previous research, performance measurement was designed using Prometer with several parameters, utilizing the crisp set at each stage. This study developed the method by adding variables and utilizing fuzzy logic, which can consider the membership value for each value involved. The membership value considered for each variable is expected to provide a significant assessment of each team working on developing software projects using the GitHub platform. The results will be monitored based on the involvement of each collaborator in project work through the data recorded in the pull requests, issues, commits, additions code, and deletion code variables. The results obtained by utilizing the variables and several rules that have been designed with the Mamdani implication function are then compared with the observations obtained by the Project Manager so that an accuracy value of 86.67% is accepted for the use of inclusive and exclusive rules (operand AND).
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