Sentiment Analysis of Stakeholder Satisfaction Measurement

Ni Luh Ratniasih(1*), Ni Wayan Ninik Jayanti(2)
(1) Information System Study Program, ITB STIKOM Bali, Bali
(2) Information System Study Program, ITB STIKOM Bali, Bali
(*) Corresponding Author
Measuring the satisfaction of stakeholders is very impoirtant in order to get feedback and input for the purposes of developing and implementing the improvement strategies. ITB STIKOM Bali routinely measures student stakeholder satisfaction every semester. This study aims to analyze stakeholder comments to generate sentiment analysis on stakeholder satisfaction. The data used are comments on the results of the measurement of stakeholder satisfaction (students) for the Odd Semester of 2020/2021 which are filled out through questionnaire. The algorithm used in this research is the Naïve Bayes Classifier (NBC). The research method in this study consisted of several stages, namely problem identification and literature study, data collection on stakeholder satisfaction (students), data preprocessing, feature extraction in order to facilitate classification using the Naïve Bayes Classifier (NBC) algorithm. The training data used is 200 data while the training data is 2133 data. The results of this study can provide recommendations to ITB STIKOM Bali for the results of student comments as a whole where the percentage of sentiment generated is 58% positive sentiment and 42% negative sentiment.
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