Rule of Land Potential for Paddy Use Rough Set Method

Susi Darmawaningsih(1*), Sugianto Sugianto(2), Sulis Ni’matun Naharin(3), Wiwit Wiji Lestari(4), Rizka Rizqi Robby(5)

(1) Department of Mathematic, Universitas Nahdlatul Ulama, Blitar
(2) Department of Mathematic, Universitas Nahdlatul Ulama, Blitar
(3) Department of Mathematic, Universitas Nahdlatul Ulama, Blitar
(4) Department of Mathematic, Universitas Nahdlatul Ulama, Blitar
(5) Department of Mathematic, Universitas Nahdlatul Ulama, Blitar
(*) Corresponding Author


Blitar district has become one of the many cities in Java the land situation is largely a good soil of vuikanik to be used as farmland. Agriculture is one of the priority sectors in Blitar district and is supported by culture, geographical conditions and the number of people whose livelihoods are farmers.Hence, it requires a way of knowing where a region might have a potential paddy commodity. It is hoped that the government of blitar will be able to make the best use of the number of paddy commodities produced in blitar district with the many farmers available. A rough set is able to produce information with a rule pattern (rule) which can determine the potential areas for paddy commodities in Blitar district by using factors of harvested area, production amount, and number of farmers per sub-district. This research is not only done analytically but also help from Rosetta's software to test analytic data analysis use rough set. The result of this study is rule as many as 38 rule that can explain the possibility of stake based on the 3 decision attributes: potential, low potential, and not potential. For those areas there is a good chance paddy commodity potential area based on the rules that have been formed is area have a large crop, a large amount of paddy produced, and a small number of farmers.


Blitar District; paddy comodity; Rough Set; rule; Rosetta’s software

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