Analysis of classic assumption test and multiple linear regression coefficient test for employee structural office recommendation

Debby Alita(1), Ade Dwi Putra(2*), Dedi Darwis(3)

(1) Universitas Teknokrat Indonesia
(2) Universitas Teknokrat Indonesia
(3) Universitas Teknokrat Indonesia
(*) Corresponding Author


The performance appraisal process in Religious High Court Bandar Lampung has not been carried out objectively, but rather a subjectivity element (relationship closeness). Some employees occupy structural positions but do not fulfil competence and promotion principles, so that it has an impact on providing promotion to a position in the judiciary. Multiple Linear Regression method can provide a predictive model for employee recommendations entitled to occupy positions in the agency. The method implementation using SPSS produces an equation Y = 74.177 + 0.035X1 + 0.020X2 - 0.026X3 + 0.045X4 + 0.001X5. This equation is applied to the employee performance values, and it is obtained from 40 employees 26 employees deserve to be given recommendations promotion. Regression performance testing results using 10-cross validation get the correlation coefficient value is 80.66% with MAE value of 2.24% and RMSE 3.88%, which mean has good performance.


job promotion; multiple linear regression; predictive model; structural position

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