Estimation of Average Car Speed Using the Haar-Like Feature and Correlation Tracker Method

Muhammad Dzulfikar Fauzi(1*), Agfianto Eko Putra(2), Wahyono Wahyono(3)

(1) Master Program in Computer Science, FMIPA UGM, Yogyakarta
(2) Department of Computer Science and Electronics, FMIPA UGM, Yogyakarta
(3) Department of Computer Science and Electronics, FMIPA UGM, Yogyakarta
(*) Corresponding Author


The speed of a car traveling on the road can generally be estimated by using a speed gun. Efforts are needed to use CCTV (closed circuit television) as a tool that can be used to estimate the speed of the car so as to ease the burden on the road operator to estimate the speed of the car. This study discusses the estimated average speed of the car with the Haar-like Feature method used to detect the car, then the detection results are tracked using Correlatin Tracker to track the movement of objects that have been detected and calculate the distance of movement from the car, so that the speed of the car detected in video can be estimated. The results of the estimated average speed compared with the results of taking speed with a speed gun so that an error is obtained by MAE testing of 5,55 km / hour and the resulting standard deviation is 4,61 km / hour, thus it can be concluded that the system is made valid and can be used by road organizers to monitor the average speed of a car.


Haar-like Feature; Car detection; Tracking; Average Estimation of Speed

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