Agent-based Truck Appointment System for Containers Pick-up Time Negotiation

Fakhri Ihsan Ramadhan(1*), Meditya Wasesa(2)

(1) Institut Teknologi Bandung
(2) Institut Teknologi Bandung
(*) Corresponding Author


Congestion in the seaports area is a common issue in many parts of the world. Fluctuating truck arrival has been identified as one of the significant determinants of congestion. In response, a truck appointment system (TAS) is introduced to manage truck arrival, particularly at peak times. In the existing TAS mechanism, the scheduling decision is centralized and disregards the concerns of trucking companies. Moreover, TAS may complicate the business operation of trucking companies that already have a constrained truck schedule. This study proposes a decentralized negotiation mechanism in TAS that allows trucking companies to adjust arrival times by utilizing the waiting time estimation provided by the terminal operator. We develop an agent-based model of a TAS in the container terminal pick-up procedure. The simulation results indicate that compared to the existing TAS mechanism, the negotiation TAS mechanism generates a shorter average truck turnaround time regardless of truck arrival rates. In terms of average net time cost, the negotiation TAS mechanism provides better value under high truck arrival rate conditions. The incentive for trucking companies to participate in the negotiations is even higher at peak times.


Truck Appointment System; Negotiation; Agent-based Modelling; Simulation; Container Terminal Operation

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