Identification of Rice Variety Using Geometric Features and Neural Network

Wahyu Srimulyani(1*), Aina Musdholifah(2)

(1) Master’s Program of Computer Science, FMIPA UGM, Yogyakarta
(2) Department of Computer Science and Electronics, Universitas Gadjah Mada
(*) Corresponding Author


 Indonesia has many food varieties, one of which is rice varieties. Each rice variety has physical characteristics that can be recognized through color, texture, and shape. Based on these physical characteristics, rice can be identified using the Neural Network. Research using 12 features has not optimal results. This study proposes the addition of geometry features with Learning Vector Quantization and Backpropagation algorithms that are used separately.

The trial uses data from 9 rice varieties taken from several regions in Yogyakarta. The acquisition of rice was carried out using a camera Canon D700 with a kit lens and maximum magnification, 55 mm. Data sharing is carried out for training and testing, and the training data was sharing with the quality of the rice. Preprocessing of data was carried out before feature extraction with the trial and error thresholding process of segmentation. Evaluation is done by comparing the results of the addition of 6 geometry features and before adding geometry features.

The test results show that the addition of 6 geometry features gives an increase in the value of accuracy. This is evidenced by the Backpropagation algorithm resulting in increased accuracy of 100% and 5.2% the result of the LVQ algorithm.


Image Processing; Rice Varieties; Geometric Feature; Learning Vector Quantization; Backpropagation

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