The Evaluation QS-WFQ Scheduling Algorithm For IoT Transmission To Cloud

Hirzen Hasfani(1*), Mardhani Riasetiawan(2)
(1) Master Program of Computer Science and Electronics, FMIPA, UGM, Yogyakarta
(2) Department of Computer Science and Electronics, FMIPA, UGM, Yogyakarta
(*) Corresponding Author
This study using the Weighted Fair Queue scheduling algorithm when the weights can change and calculated based on changes in the average queue size in the buffer. This algorithm divides the priorities of each sensor into three priorities, namely high, medium and low priority. Each queue is given a weight that is adjusted to the resource requirements of each traffic. High priority data will take precedence, but medium and low priority data will remain underserved and guaranteed by network resources.
The results of this study show packet loss ratio when the ratio of the number of buffers and the amount of data is 1: 3 with variations in the number of high, medium and low priority buffers 75: 75: 150 and 50: 50: 200 is 0%. The delay time in the high priority and the medium priority buffer has almost the same delay time when data is transmitted, whereas for the low priority buffer increased in the delay time.
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