Apps-based Machine Translation on Smart Media Devices - A Review

Hary Gunarto(1*)
(1) Ritsumeikan APU University
(*) Corresponding Author
Machine Translation Systems are part of Natural Language Processing (NLP) that makes communication possible among people using their own native language through computer and smart media devices. This paper describes recent progress in language dictionaries and machine translation commonly used for communications and social interaction among people or Internet users worldwide who speak different languages. Problems of accuracy and quality related to computer translation systems encountered in web & Apps-based translation are described and discussed. Possible programming solutions to the problems are also put forward to create software tools that are able to analyze and synthesize language intelligently based on semantic representation of sentences and phrases. Challenges and problems on Apps-based machine translation on smart devices towards AI, NLP, smart learning and understanding still remain until now, and need to be addressed and solved through collaboration between computational linguists and computer scientists.
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