Combination of AHP Method and VIKOR Method For Assesing Sunday School Teacher

Devi Valentino Waas(1*), Suprapto Suprapto(2)

(1) Master Program of Computer Science and Electronics, FMIPA, UGM, Yogyakarta
(2) Department of Computer Science and Electronics, FMIPA, UGM, Yogyakarta
(*) Corresponding Author


The performance appraisal of Sunday school teacher in the Imanuel Lurang congregation aims to measure and distinguish the quality of performance achieved by Sunday school teacher and decide various policies such as giving rewards to every Sunday school teacher with the best performance, and for Sunday school teacher who have poor performance scores will be given a guiding, approach, etc. The number of criteria in determining the quality of Sunday school teacher is not an easy thing to do by manual. Then it is essential that a computerized performance appraisal-based performance  app can speed up the process of progressing to be more effective and efficient.

This research develops decision support systems (DSS) that is dynamic using the PHP programming language, by combining the AHP method that has been refined by the VIKOR method. The AHP method is used in determining the weight of each criterion, and the VIKOR method is used for the ranking process.

Test results indicate that the system can provide a sequence of alternative Sunday school teacher that will be used as recommendations for decision makers to determine which Sunday school teachers are quality and not qualified.


DSS, AHP, VIKOR, Assesment of Sunday School teacher performance

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