Prioritization of Natural Dye Selection In Batik Tulis Using AHP and TOPSIS Approach

Ahmad Abdul Chamid(1*), Alif Catur Murti(2)
(1) Program Studi Teknik Informatika, Fakultas Teknik, Universitas Muria Kudus
(2) Program Studi Teknik Informatika, Fakultas Teknik, Universitas Muria Kudus
(*) Corresponding Author
Batik is the most popular tradisional cloth made using the wax-resist dyeing technique. The fabric is found in various city in Indonesia, one of them is Lasem which popular with hand-drawn batik is called Batik Tulis Lasem. Natural dye selection is one of the most important priority for the batik tulis craftsmen. Natural dyes made from leaves and flowers. Proper selection of natural dye will impact on color, motif, and brightness on batik tulis fabric. AHP and TOPSIS methods can be used together to selecting natural dye especially the batik tulis lasem. AHP method is used in determining the weights of the criteria, and then TOPSIS method is needed for determining the best alternative on natural dye of batik tulis. According to the result of research, TOPSIS method is used to determine the priority of alternative on natural dye. Based on calculation with TOPSIS method , the fourth alternative (A4 is kayu secang) get priority value is 0.8478, so kayu secang is recommended to the craftsmen that will used this material as the natural dye.
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