An Expert System Using Certainty Factor for Determining Insomnia Acupoint

Elizabeth Paskahlia Gunawan(1*), Retantyo Wardoyo(2)
(1) Computer Science Program, Bina Nusantara Institute of Creative Technology Malang
(2) Department of Electronics and Computer Science, FMIPA UGM, Yogyakarta
(*) Corresponding Author
In treating insomnia patients, acupuncturists who are not always in their clinics trust their patients to their assistants but because of their assistants limited knowledge, their assistants can not determine the right acupoints. Therefore, an application that able to store their knowledge about insomnia disease treatment is needed so that their assistants can handle the patients like they do.
In this research, an expert system application using certainty factor method to determine the acupoint in dealing with insomnia disease was built. This research used certainty factor to accommodate uncertainty about symptoms and rules. The mechanism of certainty factor on symptoms used a measure of increased belief (MB) and a measure of increased disbelief (MD).
The built expert system resulted acupoints based on symptoms experienced by insomnia patients. Accuracy value produced by the system that used certainty factor for determining acupoint dealing with insomnia is 0.933. It showed that the acupoint produced by the system is 93.3% relevant according acupuncturist expertise in treating insomnia patients.
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