Rancang Bangun Plugin Protégé Menggunakan Ekspresi SPARQL-DL Dengan Masukan Bahasa Alami


Muhammad Fahrurrozi(1*), Azhari SN(2)

(2) Departemen Ilmu Komputer dan Elektronika, FMIPA UGM, Yogyakarta
(*) Corresponding Author


Semantic web is a technology that allows us to build a knowledge base or ontology for the information of the web page can be understood by computers. One software for building ontology-based semantic web is a protégé. Protege allows developers to develop an ontology with an expression of logic description. Protégé provides a plugin such as DL-Query and SPARQL-Query to display information that involve expression of class, property and individual in the ontology. The problem that then arises is DL-plugin Query only able to process the rules that involve expression of class to any object property, despite being equipped with the function of reasoning. while the SPARQL-Query plugin does not have reasoning abilities such as DL-Query plugin although the SPARQL-Query plugin can query memperoses rules involving class, property and individual. This research resulted in a new plugin using SPARQL-DL with input natural language as a protégé not provide a plugin with input natural language to see results from the combined expression-expression contained in the ontology that allows developers to view information ontology language that is easier to understand without having think of SPARQL query structure is complicated.


Semantic Web, Protégé, Plugin,SPARQL-DL

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.22146/ijccs.18360

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