The Effect of Celebrity Endorsement on Gender-Based Conspicuous Consumption
This study explores the irrational aspects of consumer behavior, focusing on conspicuous consumption driven by the pursuit of status and self-expression. It examines how consumers emulate celebrities based on key dimensions of celebrity endorsement—attractiveness, expertise, and credibility—and how these factors vary between genders. The research presents a conceptual framework that integrates conspicuous consumption with celebrity endorsement dimensions, supported by an extensive literature review. Data were collected from 403 participants belonging to the Y and Z generations through online surveys and analyzed using SPSS and AMOS software. The results reveal gender-specific differences in the influence of celebrity endorsement dimensions on conspicuous consumption. For female consumers, celebrity attractiveness and credibility significantly enhance conspicuous consumption, whereas expertise has a mitigating effect. In contrast, male consumers are primarily influenced by celebrity attractiveness. The study concludes that the allure of celebrities, as reflected in their attractiveness and credibility, promotes conspicuous consumption, while their expertise can diminish it. These findings provide valuable insights for businesses leveraging celebrity endorsements, particularly in gender-targeted marketing strategies, highlighting the importance of tailoring approaches based on consumer gender to maximize impact.
DOI: 10.22146/gamaijb.70762
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