Muh. Darmin Ahmad Pella * Corresponding Author Graduate Program of Management and Business, Bogor Agricultural University Indonesia
PELLA, Muh. Darmin A. is an alumnus of Psychology, Universitas Gadjah Mada, majoring in Industrial Psychology. He is also an alumnus of the University of Indonesia, Masters in Management. He is now completing the Doctoral Program in Graduate School of Management and Business, Bogor Agricultural University. His career experiences include position as Management Training Head at PT. Toyota-Astra Motor (TAM), HRD Division. In 2000-2002, he worked as Training & Development Manager PT. Astra International - Toyota Sales Operation (AUTO 2000). Late in 2002, he voluntarily resigned from Astra to become Managing Partner AIDA Consultant, providing consulting management system on many national companies. He has published some books such as Tujuh Langkah Transformasi Manajemen Kinerja (Republika, 2010), and Talent Management: Mengembangkan SDM untuk mencapai Pertumbuhan dan Kinerja Prima (Gramedia, 2011). Author contact’s details: Graduate School of Management and Business, Bogor Agricultural University, Indonesia; Phone: (021)79192523; 081380027919: Fax: (021)79194358; E-mail:, or
Ujang Sumarwan Graduate Program of Management and Business, Bogor Agricultural University Indonesia
SUMARWAN, Ujang is a Professor of Consumer Behavior in the Graduate Program of Management and Business and in the Department of Family and Consumer Sciences, College of Human Ecology, at Bogor Agricultural University (Institut Pertanian Bogor), Bogor Indonesia. He is an Assistant Director for Academic and Student Affairs in the Graduate Program Of Management and Business-Graduate School-Bogor Agricultural University since August 2008. He earned degrees in Agricultural Economics at Bogor Agricultural University in 1985, and a Ph.D. in Consumer Studies at the Department of Human Development and Family Studies, College of Family and Consumer Sciences, Iowa State University, Ames, Iowa USA. His dissertation’s title was Socioeconomics and Psychological Factors Influencing Household Debt. He received The HIBAH BERSAING Award from The Department (Ministry) of National Education, Republic of Indonesia, for the Best Researcher for Social Sciences in 2000 for his research on Model of Food Consumption Behavior of Urban and Rural Consumers. Author contact’s details: Department of Family and Consumer Sciences, Graduate School of Management and Business, Bogor Agricultural University, Indonesia, E-mail:
Arief Daryanto Graduate Program of Management and Business, Bogor Agricultural University Indonesia
DARYANTO, Arief is a Director of Graduate School of Management and Business, Bogor Agricultural University, Indonesia. His career includes Secretary of Economics and Development Studies, Faculty of Economy and Management, Bogor Agricultural University, Indonesia. He earned Master of Economics degree in Agricultural Economics and Business Management, and Doctoral degree from University of New England Armidale Australia, 1999. He has served as a member of editor of TROBOS Magazine. He is also a lecturer at Doctoral Program in Bogor Agricultural University, and becomes public speaker for topics include competitiveness, productivity, agribusiness economy, and regional economy. Author contact’s details: Graduate School of Management and Business, Bogor Agricultural University, Indonesia; E-mail:
. Kirbrandoko Graduate Program of Management and Business, Bogor Agricultural University Indonesia
KIRBRANDOKO is a PhD in Agricultural Industrial Technology, Bogor Agricultural University - IPB, Bogor. He held his Master of Science in Management (MSM) in the field of Strategic Management from Arthur D Little Management Education Institute (MEI-ADL), Cambridge, Massachussetts - USA and completed under graduate degree at the Faculty of Bogor Agricultural Mechanization and Agricultural Technology. He had gone through a variety of activities and experiences; as Managing Partner of IMMI Management Training & Consulting, since 1991; lecturer in the Graduate School of Management and Business - Bogor Agricultural University, Bogor Agricultural University for courses in Marketing Management and Strategic Management Agribusiness; lecturer of School of Business and Management ITB (Bandung Institute of Technology). His main research interests include strategic management, marketing and sales management, business communications and people management. Author contact’s details: Graduate School of Management and Business, Bogor Agricultural University, Indonesia; E-mail:
Gadjah Mada International Journal of Business Master in Management | Faculty of Economics Business | Universitas Gadjah Mada Jl. Teknika Utara No. 1 Yogyakarta 55281 Indonesia | Phone: +62 274 511036 | Fax: +62 274 511035