Journal History

Diplomatika Jurnal Kearsipan Terapan is an Indonesian applied scientific journal published by Unit of Cooperation, Alumni, Publication, and PPM Department of Language, Arts and Cultural Management of Vocational School of UGM. The focus is all topics related with records and archives management. This journal publishes two issues annually every March and September. The languange can be either in English or in Indonesian. 

The submission process of manuscript is open throughout the year. All submitted manuscripts will go through the double blind-peer review process and editorial review before being granted with acceptance for publication. Designed as a medium of information and applied scientific knowledge, Jurnal Diplomatika Kearsipan Terapan publishes numerous review articles and research articles in the topics of  Information Governance; Records Management Program; Standards, Law, Regulations, and Legal Environment; Creation, Capture, Classification; Inventory, Appraisal, Retention, Disposition; Access, Storage, Retrieval; Electronic Recordkeeping; Social Media and Records Management; Disaster Preparedness and Recovery; Monitoring, Auditing, Risk Management; Inactive Records Management; Long-Term Digital Preservation; Education, Training, Professional Development; Authentication; Cultural Heritage: Library, Museum, Gallery; Genealogy and Family Archives; Community Archives; Data Governance; Big Data Phenomena; Open Government Data.

Diplomatika or diplomatics (in English) means the study of Wesen [Were] and Werden [being] documentation, original analysis, content structure, and transmission of various documents, as well as the interrelation between the facts in these documents with their creators. Therefore, in addition to practical and technical value, diplomacy for archivist (professional field of static archives) has a formative use value, and is an important introduction to the special discipline, the science of filing. Diplomatics are required to ensure the authenticity and reliability of a document so that the document can be used for political purposes.

Our gratitude and appreciation is for our retired editor-in-chiefs: Faizatush Sholikhah, S.Sos, M.A. and Titi Susanti, S.S, MPA  and all the staffs, who have managed the publication of the journal until 2019.