Mugitelas: Patient leftovers evaluation application as nutritional performance improvement effort in Rumah Sakit Umum Haji Surabaya

Ridna Tri Widyaningrum(1*), Tony Arjuna(2), Anis Fuad(3)

(1) Gadjah Mada University
(*) Corresponding Author


Background: As part of the nutritional care services in a hospital, dietitians should monitor the served menu leftovers of the patient to ensure adequate nutrition intake during the treatment. Unfortunately, the existing manual method was complicated and inefficient. Overcoming this issue, Rumah Sakit Umum Haji Surabaya has developed an application, namely "Mugitelas". 

Purpose: This study aimed to find out the usability and efficiency of the "Mugitelas" application.

Method: A quasi-experimental study was conducted to measure usability of "Mugitelas" using the System Usability Scale (SUS) to measure the time efficiency, before and after using the application, using paired t-test and ANOVA. 

Results: SUS score was 88, proving "Mugitelas" was acceptable. A paired t-test before and after using the application showed a significant difference of about 5 minutes (p=0,000). Based on the ANOVA test, age of respondents, education, and work length were not significantly associated with the time needed to use the application. For the t-test application usage in the first through the fourth week, PV obtained 0.146, 0.986, and 0.713, showing no difference in the speed of use of the "Mugitelas" application in the first, second, third, and fourth week.

Conclusion: "Mugitelas" application was acceptable by users and efficient with only 5 minutes needed to measure the leftovers of the patient's served meal. With only one week for adapting to this application, it is recommended that this application be scaled up for broader hospital implementation.

Keywords: Evaluasi, Aplikasi, "Mugitelas," leftovers, usability


Aplikasi, “Mugitelas”, waste , asupan , efisien.


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