Walking aids and fear of falling in older adults: the case from the Surabaya Wredha Nursing Home

Anastasia Putu Martha Anggarani(1), Raditya Kurniawan Djoar(2*)
(1) STIKES Katolik St.Vincentius a Paulo
(2) STIKES Katolik St.Vincentius a Paulo
(*) Corresponding Author
Purpose: This study analyzes the relationship between walking aids and the fear of falling on the elderly.
Method: The research design was observational analytic with a cross-sectional approach involving 155 elderly living in Surabaya Wredha Nursing Home. The sampling technique uses a proportional random sampling method. We analyzed existing data using the contingency coefficient test with a significance level of 0.05.
Results: The results of statistical tests showed a relationship between the risk of falling and fear of falling with a correlation value of 0.367 with a significant level of 0.000 (p <0.05), a positive direction showed by the value of B = 1.365.
Conclusion: The use of walking aids has a meaningful relationship with the fear of falling in the elderly. Based on these findings, the orphanage manager must provide walking aids and train them for their use. The elderly already using walking aids need the training to strengthen the arm and leg muscles to be more stable in using walking aids.
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