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1. Menyelami Etika Konsumsi: Berbelanja Kebutuhan Harian pada Individu yang Mengadopsi Gaya Hidup Berkelanjutan
Sitti Monira Fyenci F. Laya
Departemen Antropologi, Universitas Gadjah Mada
The problem of excessive consumption and consumer egoism is pervasive in many markets. This phenomenon not only has a negative impact on the environment, but also causes social problems and the economic integrity of society. The culture of consumerism and technology influences consumption behavior, encouraging excessive purchasing and irrational consumption decisions. This research discusses consumption actions carried out by informants which are based on reducing waste and supporting local products. The method used in this research was interviews with 4 informants in Yogyakarta who live a sustainable lifestyle. The aim of this research is to provide a more specific understanding that consumption is not just an economic act, but is a complex social and cultural phenomenon that can provide a deeper picture of humans and their environment. This research aims to understand how consumers consume goods and services to create a positive impact on the environment and economy. By examining the role of technology in driving consumption, it is possible to identify areas where consumers can improve their needs and satisfaction. The research results showed that ethical consumption behavior was carried out by the informants unconsciously. This article highlights the role of individuals in influencing consumption habits and encouraging change towards more responsible consumption.
2. Analisis Transitivitas pada Penokohan dalam Cerpen Bas les masques dan Délivrance: Kajian Linguistik Sistemik Fungsional
Gilang Tegar Prasetyo; Sajarwa
Magister Linguistik, Universitas Gadjah Mada
This study aims to describe the characterizations in the “Bas les masques” and “Délivrance” short stories based on the transitivity process and describe the characterization techniques used in the “Bas les masques” and “Délivrance” short stories. This research uses a descriptive approach with a qualitative method. The data are the clauses explaining characterizations in the short stories “Bas les masques” by Benoît Broyart and “Délivrance” by Jean-Paul Nozière. The data collection of this research is carried out by scrutinizing and note-taking techniques. The data are analyzed using the transitivity theory in Halliday’s Systemic Functional Linguistics and Nurgiyantoro’s character depiction theory. The results of this study indicate that the characterization in these two stories are dominantly described by material process, i.e. 8 clauses (35%) in the “Bas les masques” short story and 9 clauses (39%) in the “Délivrance” short story. The processes that are not found are behavioral process because the characters’ behavior cannot be explained from their own perspective. Regarding the character depiction techniques, the two short stories both use conversation techniques and other character’s reaction techniques. Apart from that, there is also the stream of consciousness technique which is only used in “Bas les masques” short story and the character reaction technique which is only used in “Délivrance” short story. From the results of this research, it can be concluded that transitivity analysis can support the study of characterization in literary works because the character's personality can be represented through their experiences in the story.
3. Features of Language in President Jokowi’s Political Speech on Covid-19 Pandemic Handling in Indonesia
Eni Maharsi
Program Studi Ilmu-ilmu Humaniora (IIH), Universitas Gadjah Mada; Program Studi Sastra Inggris, Universitas Brawijaya
COVID-19 pandemic had forced state leaders to take various actions, one of which was through communicating the pandemic measures. In Indonesian context, the difficult times of the 2020-2021 COVID-19 pandemic had also challenged President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) to communicate his response to handling the pandemic differently from communication prior to the pandemic. Jokowi tried to gain compliance and support which could be identified from the linguistic features in his speeches of pandemic handling. This study discusses linguistic features in Jokowi's COVID-19 speech. Voyant-tool was used as a tool for identifying the most salient linguistic units. Analysis was carried out to determine patterns of lexical choices, to examine how these patterns helped construct the pandemic discursively. and to relate it to Jokowi's pandemic communication goals. Results reveal that first person singular I and first-person plural WE/ US were the most salient features. Second, the choice of structure and lexicon specifically indicated a strategy of inclusivity and the creation of a clear group identity. Inclusive WE functioned as linguistic strategy to build collective identity, sense of solidarity and unity of Indonesian, as well as indicating choice of acting as an interlocutor to equalize social actors. Exclusive WE/ US also emphasized identity, speaker involvement actions, personal pronoun I was persuasion device and marker of interpersonal relationship and positioning as the highest authority, while temporal deixis was employed to urge the sense of urgency.
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