Analisis dan Visualisasi Perubahan Sedimentasi Area Sump Pertambangan menggunakan Online Operation Dashboard

  • Aulia Dwi Rachmawati
  • Ruli Andaru
Keywords: Bathymetry, Digital, Terrain, Model, Mining, Sedimentation, Rainfall, Online, Dashboard


One of PT BUMA's sumps, Angsana Besar, requires continuous sediment monitoring due to ongoing siltation throughout 2022.  This siltation is caused by increased rainfall compared to the previous year. This research purposes to analyze and visualize the  change of sediment interactively, focusing on the volume and rate of sedimentation, and statistically correlate it with rainfall.  The visualization of sediment in this study is done dynamically through the ArcGIS Online operation dashboard, while the  correlation analysis with rainfall is done using statistical tests. The primary data used consisted of reduced depth points  referenced to the instantaneous water surface depth datum and tied to the local height reference system of the mining area in  February, March, May, July, August, October and December 2022. The depth data was then processed into a Digital Terrain  Model (DTM). Supporting data for this study include rainfall data and pit X dewatering data from PT BUMA. The results of the  sedimentation study of the Angsana Besar pit throughout 2022 showed a change in topography, particularly a continuous  increase in elevation at the bottom of the sump in each period. This indicates the addition of sediment, which is indicated by the  increasing elevation interval and the calculated cut-fill volume. Based on these calculations, the sediment accumulation rate for  2022 was determined to be 225.487 m3/month. Sedimentation showed a correlation coefficient of 0,817 with rainfall, indicating  a very positive relationship between rainfall and sedimentation. The final result of this research is an online operational  dashboard designed for visualization and reporting purposes, which includes sedimentation development data in the Angsana Besar sump.
