Perbandingan Analisis Kuantitatif Geosite dan Geoorfosite untuk Keperluan Geowisata di Kawasan Wisata Pemandian Air Panas Baturraden dan Guci, Jawa Tengah

  • Alvenso Haykal Haryanto
  • Iffat Dhiyaa Ulhaq


Baturraden (Purwokerto) and Guci (Tegal) are popular tourist attractions in the hills of Mount Slamet, Central Java Province. Each location has objects that can be analyzed as geotourism potential, as manifestations of hot springs. Regionally, the research area is included in the Slamet Volcano Lava Rock (Qvls), which is composed of Quaternary andesitic vesicular lava, and Unaltered Slamet Volcano Rock (Qvs), which is composed of Quaternary volcanic breccia, lahar, and tuff. The research was conducted using three research stages, namely: the literature study stage, the field research stage, and the geosite and geomorphosite analysis stage, using the quantitative assessment method, according to Kubalikova (2013). Five geosites and geomorphosites were assessed: Pancuran-7 and Pancuran-3 (Baturraden), and Pancuran-13, Pancuran-5, and Sigeong hot springs (Guci). The results of the quantitative analysis based on the existing parameters were 82%, 75%, 79%, 79%, and 63%, respectively. These results indicate that the Pancuran-7, Pancuran-3, Pancuran-13, and Pancuran-5 sites are very feasible to be used as geotourism-based tourist attractions. The Sigeong site needs improvement in several aspects, especially infrastructure. Parameters that need to be considered for all objects are the conservation value due to existing disaster risk factors and potential disaster risk factors that have not yet occurred, such as volcanic eruptions and landslides, as well as the destruction process that occurs in several objects that can threaten the sustainability of tourist sites. In addition, there is a need to increase the understanding of residents and visitors regarding geological information related to the formation of hot springs, both in the form of information boards installed around the location and information displayed on local websites.
