Jurnal Description
Jurnal Teknologi dan Rekayasa Alat Berat (Journal of Heavy Equipment Technology and Engineering) with registered number ISSN 3046-4773 (online) is a scientific publication journal in the field of management and maintenance of heavy equipments published by the Department of Mechanical Engineering, Vocational College, Universitas Gadjah Mada. Issues are published twice every year. The scope includes predictive maintenance, failure analysis, monitoring systems for heavy equipment, dynamic analysis of heavy equipment, diesel engines, management systems and information on spare parts warehousing, management of heavy equipment use, engineering control of heavy equipment, and others.
JTRAB accepts scientific papers in the field of management and maintenance of heavy equipment. Scientific papers can be in the form of Regular articles: original research reports with conclusions that represent significant advances in this field. Technical note: Short articles are technical in nature and produce useful new additions. Review article: comprehensive, detailed, literature review results on a topic research. The submitted manuscripts to JRTAB must have never been published to any other publishers.
All articles submitted to this journal can be written in Bahasa atau English Language.
JTRAB has been indexed in Google Scholar, and Garba Rujukan Digital (GARUDA).